There's Always Another Sale Thread -- Discussions Only Pt 2



  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647
    edited April 2024

    columbine said:

    Torquinox said:

    columbine said:

    * I know of John Carter and I'm fifty-six, but I'm weird and read old books. Actually, I never got further than A PRINCESS OF MARS because I find ERB's prose overwrought and not very entertaining to wade through.

    There was a movie in 2012. It got trashed in reviews, yet I enjoyed it well enough when I watched it.  cheeky Then again, I didn't mind Mortal Engines - I appreciated the spectacle of it. So, take that as you will.

    I did say "2012 film notwithstanding" in there somewhere. That film sank like a stone. I saw it in the theatre! I remember rather liking it at the time and I was a little surprised it tanked. I haven't rewatched it since then to see if it holds up.

    So you did. reading error on my part. Sorry.

    Post edited by Torquinox on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    columbine said:

    The fun thing about today's feature is that no one at this point remembers John Carter or cares enough to fuss about potential IP issues.

    (Actually, there are none. The original books are well into public domain at this point. The Burroughs company does have a TRADEMARK on "John Carter," which is not the same thing, but those words do not appear anywhere in the Daz materials, and the bikini is a complete fabrication not subject to EL because BARSOOMIANS DO NOT WEAR CLOTHES and the idea of the Barsoomian Bikini Armor is the work of long-ago pulp artists who were not permitted to show Dejah Thoris in her actual mode of undress on a book cover.)

    Worthwhile to provide a citation or two, I think, if only so the mods don't fret about unproven assertions:,_Inc. (on Burroughs' company, which he formed HIMSELF, and John Carter's trademark) (quotes the paragraph from A PRINCESS OF MARS where it is made quite explicit by ERB what Barsoomians don't wear)

    What I want to know (and this is why this is posted in the sales discussion): I can see tie-in category sales on "Space Items" and "Space Craft," because those are tied to the "Mars" concept, even though there is almost none of that kind of thing in the Barsoom books (they have tech, but it's subtle; they fight with SWORDS, people ... and there are no space craft; Carter is TELEPORTED to Barsoom). But what is this "Gorillas and Apes" category? That can only be there because someone assumes people will realize the same guy was responsible for both John Carter and Tarzan ... and that, I think, is a bridge too far, given that no one under sixty (actually it's probably more like eighty*) even remembers who John Carter was now (failed 2012 film notwithstanding), nor knows who wrote him, much less that the same person wrote the Tarzan books. Can anyone else think of a plausible reason why that category is even there?

    * I know of John Carter and I'm fifty-six, but I'm weird and read old books. Actually, I never got further than A PRINCESS OF MARS because I find ERB's prose overwrought and not very entertaining to wade through.

    I'm also a weird reader in my fifties *g* - I discovered ERB and Barsoom through Heinlein 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

    My problem is that I don't know enough about these franchises. Like it took me a while to figure out what LOTR meant lol. A lot of times, I'll create something, kitbashing thinking I came up with something original and someone will say "That's not the right gun" or belt or spaceship or whatever, and I'm thinking for what? What did you think this was? And they mention some franchise I barely know about. I wish Daz would make it more obvious when something is imitating a certain franchise. I don't get all the references until someone mentions it here.

    I did create some fan art in the past only because customers at comic conventions would request it but I had to google what they were talking about. When I first went to Comic-Con I was overwhelmed with how much I don't know. It's hard to keep up with all the fandom! Stargate and Battlestar Galactica were the only franchises I ever got into and I still couldn't tell you what their guns or spaceships look like. I guess I'm not geeky enough lol. But if I'm accidentally mixing a LOTR item with a GOT item and some comic book character I don't know, it can be embarrassing. These things need to be labeled! 

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    columbine said:

    What I want to know (and this is why this is posted in the sales discussion): I can see tie-in category sales on "Space Items" and "Space Craft," because those are tied to the "Mars" concept, even though there is almost none of that kind of thing in the Barsoom books (they have tech, but it's subtle; they fight with SWORDS, people ... and there are no space craft; Carter is TELEPORTED to Barsoom). But what is this "Gorillas and Apes" category? That can only be there because someone assumes people will realize the same guy was responsible for both John Carter and Tarzan ... and that, I think, is a bridge too far, given that no one under sixty (actually it's probably more like eighty*) even remembers who John Carter was now (failed 2012 film notwithstanding), nor knows who wrote him, much less that the same person wrote the Tarzan books.

    Hey, I'm still two months shy of sixty and I have read all the John Carter books and I think all the Tarzan books too in my teens, I used to read two books in the night until ran out of reading in the local library blush

  • Torquinox said:

    columbine said:

    * I know of John Carter and I'm fifty-six, but I'm weird and read old books. Actually, I never got further than A PRINCESS OF MARS because I find ERB's prose overwrought and not very entertaining to wade through.

    There was a movie in 2012. It got trashed in reviews, yet I enjoyed it well enough when I watched it.  cheeky Then again, I didn't mind Mortal Engines - I appreciated the spectacle of it. So, take that as you will.

    I totally did not get the hate dumped on Mortal Engines. It's not my genre, but I appreciate the clever premise and I thought - given the scope and ambition of the idea - that it was competently realized as a movie. We still watch it from time to time.

    I recall thinking that John Carter was better than than reception it got, though it has been quite a while since I saw that one.

  • Torquinox said:

    columbine said:

    * I know of John Carter and I'm fifty-six, but I'm weird and read old books. Actually, I never got further than A PRINCESS OF MARS because I find ERB's prose overwrought and not very entertaining to wade through.

    There was a movie in 2012. It got trashed in reviews, yet I enjoyed it well enough when I watched it.  cheeky Then again, I didn't mind Mortal Engines - I appreciated the spectacle of it. So, take that as you will.

    I seem to recall reading that 2012 John Carter did badly more because of the competition than its quality.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Torquinox said:

    There was a movie in 2012. It got trashed in reviews, yet I enjoyed it well enough when I watched it.

    John Carter and the Jason Momoa Conan movie did the same annoying thing, where they go out of their way to showcase how competent and capable the female lead is, but still turn her into a damsel for the hero to save.

  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,551

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    Torquinox said:

    columbine said:

    * I know of John Carter and I'm fifty-six, but I'm weird and read old books. Actually, I never got further than A PRINCESS OF MARS because I find ERB's prose overwrought and not very entertaining to wade through.

    There was a movie in 2012. It got trashed in reviews, yet I enjoyed it well enough when I watched it.  cheeky Then again, I didn't mind Mortal Engines - I appreciated the spectacle of it. So, take that as you will.

    I seem to recall reading that 2012 John Carter did badly more because of the competition than its quality.

    I think a major contributing factor was the title. No one outside of retro SF fandom knows who "John Carter" is. If they'd kept it as "A Princess of Mars", that might have caught the attention of people who vaguely remember hearing about it, or people vaguely interested in space or fantasy. If they'd kept the first revised title, "John Carter of Mars", people might have been a little bit curious. What we got was just a common-sounding name, and the movie got completely overlooked.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,205

    Regarding the gorillas - there's a new Planet of the Apes movie coming out in about a week... maybe that?

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    Gordig said:

    John Carter and the Jason Momoa Conan movie did the same annoying thing, where they go out of their way to showcase how competent and capable the female lead is, but still turn her into a damsel for the hero to save.

    I completely missed the Jason Momoa Conan movie - I did not know there was such a thing. Now I have to see... Unless it's really awful. Then, maybe I don't.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    I totally did not get the hate dumped on Mortal Engines. It's not my genre, but I appreciate the clever premise and I thought - given the scope and ambition of the idea - that it was competently realized as a movie. We still watch it from time to time.

    Outstanding! I like the genre and I also give it another spin every now and then. 

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Torquinox said:

    Gordig said:

    John Carter and the Jason Momoa Conan movie did the same annoying thing, where they go out of their way to showcase how competent and capable the female lead is, but still turn her into a damsel for the hero to save.

    I completely missed the Jason Momoa Conan movie - I did not know there was such a thing. Now I have to see... Unless it's really awful. Then, maybe I don't.

    According to Momoa himself, the editing turned it into "a big pile of sh*t".

  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited May 2024
    Anyone still have the coupon code for $6 off Daz Originals from April? I finally got a chance today to get my cart ready, and it's turned to May coupons. Thanks!
    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,551

    Try changing the 5 to a 4.

  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited May 2024
    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,190
    edited May 2024
    Torquinox said:

    Gordig said:

    John Carter and the Jason Momoa Conan movie did the same annoying thing, where they go out of their way to showcase how competent and capable the female lead is, but still turn her into a damsel for the hero to save.

    I completely missed the Jason Momoa Conan movie - I did not know there was such a thing. Now I have to see... Unless it's really awful. Then, maybe I don't.

    It is awful. The two Arnold films stray from the source material, but they're still great movies. The Momoa film fails on both counts.
    Post edited by doubledeviant on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    vwrangler said:

    Torquinox said:

    Gordig said:

    John Carter and the Jason Momoa Conan movie did the same annoying thing, where they go out of their way to showcase how competent and capable the female lead is, but still turn her into a damsel for the hero to save.

    I completely missed the Jason Momoa Conan movie - I did not know there was such a thing. Now I have to see... Unless it's really awful. Then, maybe I don't.

    According to Momoa himself, the editing turned it into "a big pile of sh*t".

    I thought it was surprisingly good, despite my earlier complaint. It wasn't high art, but it's significantly better than Conan the Destroyer...which is admittedly damning with faint praise.

  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,190
    Gordig said:

    I thought it was surprisingly good, despite my earlier complaint. It wasn't high art, but it's significantly better than Conan the Destroyer...which is admittedly damning with faint praise.

    Sacrilege! Lol.

    Just teasing, of course. Barbarian and Destroyer are the greatest sword and sorcery films ever made, imo, but obviously different things appeal to different people. And they don't have much competition, sadly. Willow (1988) is fun enough, if a bit lacking in action. Excalibur (1981) has some charms. LOTR is LOTR.

    Anyway, if you enjoyed Momoa's Conan, you might chance Solomon Kane (2009; James Purefoy) if you haven't already. It loosely adapts another Robert Howard character and is also awful. ;)
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484

    If you want something really bad try the Deathstalker movies

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    columbine said:

    I like the headpiece, but I already have more Classical Leather Goddesses of Phobos Bikini Armor than I can use. On the other hand, I kind of want to rifle through the category sales and I need a new-release purchase for that, so if I see something in those categories I can really use, I may end up throwing the Barsoomian Bikini into the cart just to get there.

    ...oy, that brings back memories.from the old C64 and Atari 800 days.  

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited May 2024

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • TomhipTomhip Posts: 458

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited May 2024

    Tomhip said:

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

    Same for me. I need a good gift card sale but I don't see anything of interest and don't really do animations. 

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,866

    Charlie Judge said:

    Tomhip said:

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

    Same for me. I need a good gift card sale but I don't see anything of interest and don't really do animations. 

    It's rare to get more than 20% off GCs, so if you are buying a maximum sized card that is an extra $50 - you would, if you want the store credit, have some of that left with two of the new releases even if they are of absolutely no interst.

  • TomhipTomhip Posts: 458

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Charlie Judge said:

    Tomhip said:

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

    Same for me. I need a good gift card sale but I don't see anything of interest and don't really do animations. 

    It's rare to get more than 20% off GCs, so if you are buying a maximum sized card that is an extra $50 - you would, if you want the store credit, have some of that left with two of the new releases even if they are of absolutely no interst.

    I am starting to think Richard is working for The DAZ Store ... :P



  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited May 2024

    Tomhip said:

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

    Ok... But what does it matter?

    With the prepaid Mastercards I can buy maximum $153 per each purchase (limited to max 150eur in EU).

    My current cart has $20.03 worth of "Moving" and a $191.25 gift card for $133.88
    Ie. I get the "Moving" New Releases for free with $191.25 store credit

    That's $38.25 for free, which makes the offer more like 25% off my gift card plus 2 free items.

    956 x 586 - 82K
    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • TomhipTomhip Posts: 458

    PerttiA said:

    Tomhip said:

    PerttiA said:

    Note that the "Buy 2 or more “Moving” New Release to save an extra 30% off* on your entire order" does not exclude gift cards (or memberships) smiley

    This causes a problem as I dont want anything from "Moving" >_<

    Ok... But what does it matter?

    With the prepaid Mastercards I can buy maximum $153 per each purchase (limited to max 150eur in EU).

    My current cart has $20.03 worth of "Moving" and a $191.25 gift card for $133.88
    Ie. I get the "Moving" New Releases for free with $191.25 store credit

    That's $38.25 for free, which makes the offer more like 25% off my gift card plus 2 free items.

    Never said I am not taking advantage of that offer....

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    Robert Freise said:

    If you want something really bad try the Deathstalker movies

    Indeed! The trailer on imdb demonstrates the low quality. Two minutes of that is probably enough. It might be an unintentional comedy. laugh

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647
    edited May 2024

    PerttiA said:

    With the prepaid Mastercards I can buy maximum $153 per each purchase (limited to max 150eur in EU).

    My current cart has $20.03 worth of "Moving" and a $191.25 gift card for $133.88
    Ie. I get the "Moving" New Releases for free with $191.25 store credit

    That's $38.25 for free, which makes the offer more like 25% off my gift card plus 2 free items.

    25% off is still a pretty good deal, don't you think? 

    Post edited by Torquinox on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited May 2024

    Hmm, no new 'Welcome' series PAs today and the the 50% discount on the previous ones is gone. I wonder if DAZ is done promoting  PAs who moved a significant amount of store items to DAZ ???

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
This discussion has been closed.