Using old figures including .DAZ format

in New Users
I am new to DAZ 4 although I used DAZ 2.3 for many years.
I have a large amount of figures largely Victoria 4.2 and Michael 4. These are in the .DAZ format. I appreciate that the file format has changed in the interim. Is there a way to load these into DAZ 4?
I tried putting the folder into "My DAZ 3D Library" and it appears in content but the program does not seem to recognise them.
Anyway it is nice to be back into DAZ after a long time and I look forward to any help the community can give.
What do you mean by "the program doesn't seem to recognize them"? Do you get an error when using them?
The main figuers were never supplied as .daz files, though I think there were LE versions of the fourth generation figues which were (and which were part of the old free content, so no longer available for download)..
V4/M4 are found in the Poser Formats section of your Library
They and all their stuff should be in the Runtime which is where Studio is looking for them as Poser format files
.daz generally still works but I found some really old D|S2 stuff needs to be resaved in D|S3 first like the V3 fairy poses that came with it's content