The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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Sometimes I think this is the only reason people watch Nascar! I can't stand it. How can you sit and watch cars go around and around and around and around...for 5 hours, maybe more? At least the famous road races go on a route that keeps it interesting.
NASCAR is where to tune if you're not mind dead enough to watch golf.
Complaint: Today, I toddled up to the local grocery for a few things. When I got back home I examined my receipt and gasped at the price that I paid for a "normal" sized candy my local grocery store. I paid three dollars for a 2.6 oz. Hershey's Almond chocolate bar.
I remember when Hershey bars were a nickel($0.05). Even factoring-in the bigger size & thickness of the new bar to accomodate whole almonds, and adjusting for 10x inflation, they shouldn't be any more than a dollar now.
Yes, the new 2.6 oz(73g) bar has "whole almonds" as advertised, and is bigger than a standard Hershey bar from 1953(46g), but still, three dollars?
I'm not really complaining about the price, I'm complaining about the fact that I paid the price.
Non-complaint: The old 160GB PATA hard drive from my old WinXP machine has now been inserted internally into my other WinXP machine and the disk is recognized by the WinXP. Yay! it's not completely dead, it spins, it talks, but does have amnesia. and the WinXP system reports that the drive is not formatted.
So, long story short..., I formatted it, erasing the WinXP installation that was on that drive. Thankfully there wasn't much else on that drive. I'm sad to see it go, but at least I know the drive is still sort of functional. And I think I can figure out how to reinstall it. So, I guess I'll be doing another installation soon. There may have been something else I could have done to try to recover the WinXP on that disk, but I'm not interested in trying. That's one advantage of old age, priorities get shuffled. Taunt the devil you know, not the unknown demons.
In the meantime, I've ordered a proper SATA internal DVD drive for the machine that needed one, and am starting to tidy up my apartment putting scattered 'puter parts back into the boxes they came from. It's a good thing nobody comes to visit me anymore, I hate letting people see my house when it's messy. A place for everything, everything in its place.
Complaint: Oh poo.
A few more checks on the drive before reistalling it back into the WinXP system it came from, and it still fails to worki in my external PATA enclosure, implying that the hard drive is apparently still somewhat hardware boogered despite seeming to have "successfully" formatted it.
I've now declared it unreliable, and scheduled its execution. Mwaaa, ha ha.
So much intensity and force in that barrel roll. 10 or more full rotations as the car went from 200 mph down to zero.
Complaint: Apparently for over a year I've been deleting my Gmail emails from my iPad... but a few weeks ago I noticed that while I'd have something like twenty new emails, the little red "new emails" tag next to Safari's icon would indicate at least 100+... I didn't think anything of it and rebooted the iPad and the number went up... apparently instead of deleting these emails it was hoarding them in the trash and then taking them out... so I re-deleted them, this time deleting them from the trash as well... which should do the trick...
So they showed back up again after an hour or so... almost all of them were "promotions" or whatever Gmail calls commercial emails... after continuously doing this for a few days, today I finally went into my Gmail account from my primary computer and found out none of the emails I've been deleting for the past year were ever deleted... not even in the trash... over 2,500...
So now they've been nuked, hopefully for good... I don't get this one detail though... for some reason the most insidious bunch of emails that would keep showing up were from March to April 2023...
I hope they are gone for good because I hate this supposed seamless integration of technology that's never remotely seamless in the end... if you put a delete button somewhere it better damn work or it's no better than those crosswalk (push to cross) buttons that aren't actually ever hooked up to anything.
Secondary Complaint: My daughters (they are twins) are now away at college and it's terribly unfun without them around... We moved them in last week, two days apart from each other at different schools... this weekend we got together for a couple of things, but this week I won't see them until the weekend... maybe.
One is nearby-ish, but the other is all the way across Long Island Sound over in the continental United States... technically not that far away either if they had ever constructed the Long Island Sound causeway back in the 50s - 60s... but without it, it's an expensive ferry ride or an exhausting coastal journey around and up north... but either way, they aren't at home and I miss them... (my avatar image is very outdated... They were probably 8 or 9 when I drew that and I'm ridiculously greyer and grizzled looking now)... (though my desk still looks mostly the same).
It's weird that when I first found DAZ they were little babies... now they are young women...
F*** I feel old... immature and childish as ever, but old as fossilized dinosaur poop*.
Third Complaint: I lost my freaking wallet, most likely at the furthest college, which despite being a fairly expensive school, doesn't seem to have a very great system of finding out if anything that's been taken to the lost and found is there... there are like five locations where things might end up and of those, three of them are open, but won't be officially reachable for another week unless one goes there in person... Like what the hell, you don't plug the phone in until classes officially start?
*Technically called a "Coprolite".
Complaint. Got back from a 12-hour train ride at 3am. While I was waiting for luggage, all the other people getting off the train left. My car's battery was dead. With everyone gone, had to wait two hours for road side assistance to get a jump.
I'm tired so I think I might clear off my bed and go to sleep?
I also removed the wigs from two of my dolls. They were dirty and I wanted to give them a hot water bath.
Getting a spell wrong and being transformed by it can be annoying for sure, but being turned into than an azhdarchid isn't all that bad.
Complaint: Apart from my brother, I've run out of any more relatives to be ill all at the same time.
MIL in hospital, 2 broken vertabrae. Father in hospital, Covid, heart problems, liver problems, heart infection and very frail. Eldest daughter kicked out of hospital while waiting for an operation. Youngest daughter, Covid, reacting badly. No-count family members: FIL died 8 weeks ago. Mother: died 19 years ago.
Cross ocean hugs. I hope your ill/injured family members are better ASAP & condolences for your losses.
Complaint or annoyance: A week ago, Husband took the truck in to get new catalytic converters - we thought. Turned out the engine was in very bad shape & needs replacement or rebuilt. Our second vehicle had been undriveable for some months as we were saving for a transmission. So we decided our best bet was to buy something newer, using the second vehicle for whatever we'd get as a trade-in, and save up for the truck engine.
We now have a 2017 Equinox SUV which hopefully won't need anything major for the next few years.
Ah, the newer car smell. It's either harmful plastic vapors if new, or somebody else's bacteria if used.
i.e. Reality, raining on your parade.
Non-complaint: Wheee... a mini-adventure. My best high scool friend, who has lived in NYC for the last 50 years, is in town and he took me to lunch at Olive Garden. Mmmm... greasy pasta, chewy cheese, and an hour of conversation.
He also took me to a WalMart where I was able to find a supply of the 5 ounce cans of Carnation Evaporated Milk. They're hard to find these days. The 5 oz. size is just right, for substituting some of the milk in a casserole, and I don't use evaporated milk for anything else so the rest of a typical 12 oz. can would most likely be wasted. I hate wasting food. I bought out their entire display(22) of the 5 oz. cans. They should last me for a year or so.
Oops, I better use them faster than that. Because their best-by date is July of '24
I don't know why the 5 oz. cans are so hard to find now. They became in short supply during Covid. Perhaps because of the metal can shortage at that time? Also, the 5 oz. cans have a smaller product to metal ratio and may have been less practical to make or use during a shortage?
Regardless, I've found my supply for many months to come. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Sorry to hear this... I hope everyone recovers soon... well, clearly those that are in hospital or not well... I'm bad at sending best wishes without trying to cheer people up and that's often not a great idea, so I'll just say I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery... be well.
Non compliant 1: I found my wallet... in my shop under something that was a million to one shot as to how it could end up there... still, I'm happy it only cost me $18 for a new license... driver's license... not the metal one you wear on your collar... I lost that one a long time ago.
Non compliant 2: Found a replacement building material for this stuff called Easy-Board... its called Go-Board, and It's an exact equivalent, but the one available in Lowes is a 1/4" thicker, but fortunately, at the moment, that's exactly the thickness I need.
The stuff is like foamcore, but instead of paper over low density foam, it's a high density polystyrene foam sandwiched between thin rigid waterproof fiberglass outer skin... cuts easily and is super lightweight... if you are familiar with Gator-Board used in sign making, it's similar but more durable.
I've been looking for something like that for years and nobody could understand what the hell I was looking for because it was such a niche product, but today I accidentally came across the brand name and then located it at a nearby Lowes... I'm happy about that... I've also now been able to identify three other similar products, so hopefully if that vaporizes, I might still have a lead on the others.
Complaint: Still miss my girls... bummer.
Heavy Earth's embrace,
Gravity's burden I bear,
Grounded by its pull.
Thanks, and to miladyderyni too. It has been an 'interesting time', in the sense of the original Chinese curse. Hopefully everyone will get through it OK soon.
Watch out for Wally, the walking wallet. Once wakened, wanderlust is wearisome to wean.
McGyver is having trouble logging in. Just so you know why he's missing in action.
...well I returned from my mega adventure to the coast (actually last night). Had a very wonderful and relaxing time in spite of some of the issues I mentioned earlier that I left behind.
I see, that a bit has happened while I was gone. including some new ( and annoying) changes to the site like that big drop down banner when you hover the cursor over one of the three links at the top of the page (and attaching images is now totally borked as I wanted to post a few images from my trip, but so much for that). When I'm away from the computer I don't bother opening the Daz site on the phone as the downsizing (including the forums) seems like trying to stuff the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir into a single 1964 Volkswagen Microbus. It probably can be done but it won't be very pretty.
Happy (somewhat belated) B'day TJohn
McGuyver, definitely missed your wit while I was away. (am caught up now).
Oh and about the package an interesting development.
UPS (which never revised the delivery date after the delays) finally delivered it about 2 days after I had left (even including a photo on he email notice) I tried to call the building manager to see if they could take it into the office until I got back only to end up leaving voice mails that never resulted in a reply (an entirely different issue I've been dealing with as well that I won't o into here). Figuring it was a futile attempt, I posted a note on my door last night that asked if anyone on my floor had seen the package left by the door. Today when I returned after running a short errand, lo and behold, the package was there by the door. Apparently some good soul on my floor (not sure who yet) saw it sitting there for a couple days or so, rescued it, and when they saw my note placed it back. It was unopened and everything was there.
Yes, there are still some good people around in the world.
....related to Maine and Massachusetts is the name of the city I now live in was actually decided on a coin toss between two business partners Asa Lovejoy of Boston MA, and Francis Pettygrove of Portland ME. (there are two streets named after them in my area of town as well, my building is on the one named after Lovejoy. The the contest was a best of three tosses which occurred in 1845 and whoever won would get the naming right for the new city. Two of the three tosses came up heads giving Pettygrove the victory and thus he christened the city with the name of his hometown in Maine.
Yes I could easily be living in Boston Oregon if Lovejoy had won.
It's not the spinning of the Earth at 1,000 miles mph (1609.344 kph), but the 1.3 million mph (2,092,147.2 kph) moving through space makes me motion sick.
Hang on tightly to the railing, close your eyes, and breathe deeply three times.
Or jump. Your choice.
But I'm more afraid of the expansion of the Universe, which I know must be true, because the older I get, the farther away the floor becomes.
Thanks Dana!
To paraphrase Bender Bending Rodríguez of Futurama: "I'm Back Baby!"
Login issues seem to be resolved... (Thanks to everyone or anyone who help make that possible)
Normal breathing... not with the eyes... or other orifices that seem to be trendy to recommend breathing with these days?...
You need to recalibrate your positronic accelerometer to a null point local to your gravitational location point... you probably reset to galactic center or the planetary system's main star... it's not uncommon in big system updates.
Non-complaint: While doing dishes a few minutes ago, I glanced through the window facing the wide lawn area of my neighbors and saw four deer come up my driveway, cross the lawn and disappear up the hill into the woods behind us. Two adults, and two fawns mostly past their spotted stage. Cute.
Then I remembered that hunting season begins in a couple months.
Silly goose, you can't breathe through your eyes with them closed. Sheesh.
...non complaint:
The floating Bue Bar is back.