How to disable DS Auto-fit?

So as the topic title, how can I disable auto-fit? I know this question have been asked before but I can't find it now. I remember reading something about going to the Parameter tab and use the "Fit to Mode" drop down menu but I can't see a "disable auto-fit" there. Should be something easy I'm just missing!

I have a hair prop (for V4) that has a braid, and each piece of the braid can be moved individually, excellent for posing. When I use the auto-fit option it ruins it and removes the controls for the braid movement. How can I disable auto-fit so I can use the hair properly?


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Unselect the character and load the item; not sure it can be disabled. Sometimes I've found it necessary to select a cube or something to work. Or maybe parent to a null?

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited October 2015

    Yes unselect the character and just use it as a prop. You can scale it yourself to fit.

    or just hit cancel when autofit comes up...that effectively disables it.

    Lastly you can transfer the morphs of the unfitted hair to one that has been fitted to regain those morphs.(it requires using the transfer utility and is an intermediate level task, not hard but a few steps. For hair however using it as a prop usually is fine. The transfer utility method is useful for clothes and things that need to follow the body)

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Thank you for the responces :D

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692
    edited October 2015

    If I understand you right you want to attach the hair to the character without destroying the bones belonging to the hair.

    Doing as nicstt suggested and loading the hair without having selected the character, you should then be able to adjust the hair/skullcap and then parent the hair to the character without destroying the hair-bones.

    Post edited by felis on
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