Hair parting "flipped" feature for hairdos
I would like to propose a new feature for asymmetrical hairstyles: that each hair product with a hair parting on the side, should come with a mirrored version. I mean by this that if hair is parted on the right side (for example), there should be a "flipped" version with the parting on the left side of the head included in the package.
The side of the hair parting is critical to the look of the character and many times I find a perfect hairdo but unfortunately it has the hair parted on the wrong side. I try scaling the hair model in X direction to (-100%) but more often than not this doesn't work.
Please consider making this feature standard for hair models or maybe make it available as an add-on. I would greatly appreciate that.
Thank you.
Select the hair and then go to the parameters tab. Make sure "show hidden properties" is ticked (parameters - preferences - show hidden properties) then change the X-scale to -100 and it will flip most hairs along the x axis
Thank you for the tip!
Well put, richard, and thank you for the transfer utility idea! It would be nice though not to have to "jump through all those hoops" but simply have the "flipped" option available without any hassle....