Nightmares in Ventura

Hi. I have been using DS for some years now, mostly for my own entertainment snd suffering from the problems caused by my devoton to Apple Macs. I know features like filament for instance re not open to Mac users, or it wasnt last time I checked, but thats not the thing I need help with. 

Apple have just released the new operating system called Ventura, which i installed and I have found it a horror story. The effect on my Daz studio has been catastrophic. The version I am running is which has to be out of date. When I opened it up after installing Ventura the interface had changed a lot, as an example the tabs group seems to have lost some options, there is no tab  for contents for instance, is this the result of installing Ventura or someother reason.

I would like to install the latest version of Daz but cant seem to find it and I have forgotten how to install it anyway, I dont have DIM or the other content management thing Daz central, could do with some help plese...



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,994 I still the latest general release, as far as I know. There is a public build (aka beta) available, which is much newer, but it can only be installed with Daz Install Manager (DIM). I use Windows, so I can't advise on your Mac Ventura issues.

  • Try Window>Workspace>Select Layout. Also make sure it says it is running Daz Studio pro, if not got to Help>About Installed plug-ins and reenter your pro serial number for the Pro plug-ins.

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 449

    Tried window/workspace/se;ect layout and chose one, still a restricted panes option. Yes its definitley the pro version, the about installed plug ins show none installed at all. Attached scree shots 


  • Try using an external host for the screenshots, though attachments may work soon (for a while).

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 449

    for some reason the screen shots didnt load, trying again, nor the second time. Going to try the method you suggested

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 449

    Thanks Richard, that obviously worked.

    Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 19.46.41.jpg
    414 x 279 - 73K
    Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 21.06.17.jpg
    766 x 765 - 111K
  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 449

    can someone tell me how I can obtain an up to date version of DS and how to download it to my Mac without using DIM or Daz Central?

  • ElorElor Posts: 1,159


    I'm using the same version of Daz with MacOS Ventura and I don't think I have the same problem as the ones you are describing: I could follow what Jay Versluis was doing when he explained Daz UI in his video and my plugins list is not empty.

    Compared to your situation, I see two differences with mine: I only ever used Daz with Ventura and I did install it with DIM (I didn't knew it was possible to install it without it, is the standalone installer easy to find ?).

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 449

    Thanks for the help to everyone. I have been using DS for years and remain a total dimwit regarding the vast majority of things available to anyone who uses it. I decided ages back to to move my content to an external drive and now use that exclusively, its linked to DS via the content directy manager and works fimne and suits me because I can organise and now can find stuff without too much trouble.

    THis does mean that I dont use DIM, because of my lack of knowledge I have no idea where stuff goes when its installed through DIM. I always install content manually into my external Daz library. Ages ago I installed Daz Central which again I didnt really use because it was too slow for my limited patience. However it did allow me to get a copy of DS very quickly and easily, once I had remebered how to use DC, its not exactly something i use very often. the last time has to be a couple of years ago.

    I have always updated my system whenever Apple release a new version of the OS so when I discovered Ventura was being made available in upgraded from the old OS and once I did so chaos ensued. When I opened it up loads of my files had vanished and my copy of DS was severely affected. I dont know how this happened, not anything to do with DS, yet another Apple disaster, which makes me wonder why i contnue t use it. Anyway, I recovered my missing files by using my Time machine back up which is on an externeal drive, and now I have DS back to almost as it was before the problems happened. Everythibg else seems ok, but I will only be sure things are really ok with use.

    So to summarise, things are getting back to normal and I would like to thank everyone who offered advice for their time and trouble...

  • So, all the plug-ins seem to show Failed (redf plug icon - see the key at the top of the list). I wonder if the security settings are blocking access to, or installing updated versuions of, the relevant .dylib files (all the core and Daz-branded add-on plug-ins much be the same version as DS itself). If you select one of the diabled plug-ins what does the status panel, at the bottom of the dialogue, show?

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