Parenting question

Hello @ all,
I want to change the parenting of a prop from one charakter to an other.
But, if I change it, let's say, at Frame 500, I starts to be parented to the second right from the beginning (Frame 0).
How to fix it?
Thanks a lot
Record your animation in stages, when you need to swap, start a new animation at that frame. Then use another film editing program to link the two parts into one animation. Most Film prg's even Movie Maker can do this.
Or Parent a second Item to the second character and turn it Invisible with the EYE in the Scene Tab. At the right time turn the first item Invisible and the second one back on.
Many ways to do it.
thanks for your reply.
But,is there no other way?
Or maybe, I could sove it diffrent:
I got an car and a figure as characters on the scene.
The figure drives the car (he is parented with the seat).
In the car lays a prop (a nut).This is also parented to the car, cause I can't put it in the scene, when the car door opens,(Frame 170) I have to put it in on Frame 0. ???
Now the figure leaves the car, goes to the backside, opens the doors and takes the nut out of it.
Here I want to change the 'connection' of the nut from the car to the left hand of the figure.
Maybe somebody got another idea to solve this?
I'm thinking aboout a 'second' nut- parented to the hand... ( cheap and dirty trick?) ;)
I did say that. I think. It works. The cheap tricks are always the best. ;-)
Wow, your too quick. I just got that you said exactly that before after sending.;)
So, I can spare the 'edit'.
Thanks a lot agian
No worries, I do it ALL the time. Have fun with what your doing.