problem with all the figure with mac os x el capitan

yes, I upgrade my mac from yosmite to El Capitan because I want to use Iray.

and, oh, look what's happen with all the figure I load in Daz Studio.

The attach file show with v4.2 but I have try witn v5, v5 and genesis 3 and other one.  It's all the same. It shows cubes.

Am I the only one who have this problem?

I have done this upgrade because i'm not able to have a render with iray. It takes a lot of minutes for a very small image to render. Can't have GE force for Mac.

2560 x 1337 - 660K


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    El Captain has nothing to do with Iray at all IRay it will be slower than 3Delight unless you have enough GPU Power (see IRay as 3Delight with all settings maxed out).

    Looks like DAZ Studio has lost the mapping to where the content was installed. If you go to the Content Directoty Setup and look you might see what content library directory is missing.


  • Acutally, if the OP would go to the top right of the viewport and to the left of the dropdown that says "Perspective View" there's a View Options dropdown menu that lists all the kinds of ways we can view things. Looks like it got stuck on the Box view. Select another (Textured, cartoon or shaded) and your viewport will look normal.

    I've upgraded to El Capitan and not have had any issues with DAZ Studio (Poser... well that's one reason why I'm using DS!).

    Keep in mind that for Mac OS X, the option to use the video card won't work as Apple hasn't updated/upgraded the video drivers to allow us to use GPUs, so we're stuck with CPU rendering only (look at the iRay render threads, do a forum search on it). To speed up rendering, quit other apps (as they do consume CPU cycles), check your energy savings control panel and set it up to not let the computer sleep when the monitor is off (this way although your monitor may switch off, your Mac is still running), begin your render and make a cup of tea or go for a short walk. :) In some circles that's called a render wander. 


  • Thank you, 

    I was stuck on the Box view in DAZ Studio.

    The only problem l've got with poser pro 2012 and poser pro 2014 is coming from DSON Importer. I desinstall DSON Importer and I can start Poser again, but I can only play with thing that doesn't come from DSON importer. 

    I don't use Reality 4.1 in Poser but people have to desinstall it if they want to use Poser under El Capitan.


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