Dforce Destroying Cloth

I'm very new to Daz so I just wanted to start of with something Very Simple. I followed the basic tutorial of how to make clothes in Blender here, and carried on from that. So I made a single piece skirt, easy peasy, took about ten minutes, and followed the tutorial for importing it to Daz as well.

Everything is working fine, it loads in and sits on the model in A Pose no problem. But when I try to run the Dforce Sim on it, for some reason it makes the front of the skirt completely vanish, and only keeps the back.

And when I hide Genesis 9 to get a better look, it doesn't seem that the front part of the cloth is going into anything, it's just fully gone. I went back in Blender and made sure all of my normals were facing the right way and everything, reimported it, same problem.

Also, I DID try weight painting because I want the belt part to remain stiff, but it only kept the belt in place while the front half of the skirt still seemed to vanish.

Added examples of the problem and how it's supposed to look below!


164 x 379 - 34K
163 x 373 - 30K
180 x 403 - 45K


  • What happens if tyou run the simulation on the cloth in isolation? What happens if you select the cloth and then hit the frame selected button (ctrl F, cmd F for Macs)?

  • If by in Isolation you mean without the Gen9 Model, the same thing happens; the front vanishes completely, and then the cloth behaves normally and falls. If that's not what you meant by in isolation please let me know!

    As for Frame Selected, the exact same thing - though in my simulation settings I have frames to simulate set to current frame. I also tried simulating it with the model changing poses to see if that would help, but the frontpart of the skirt always vanishes.


  • Yes, that is what I meant by in isolation.

    I am not sure i was clear on  the framing - that isn't connected to the Timeline, it's zooming the camera out to include all the selected elements in the scene - so if the front panel has zoomed off into outer space, as can happen, hitting the command would similarly zoom the view way out.

    Are there any errors/warnings in Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Yes, that is what I meant by in isolation.

    I am not sure i was clear on  the framing - that isn't connected to the Timeline, it's zooming the camera out to include all the selected elements in the scene - so if the front panel has zoomed off into outer space, as can happen, hitting the command would similarly zoom the view way out.

    Are there any errors/warnings in Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File.

    Right, well following the shortcut you provided I adjusted the framing and the same thing happened. There's nothing in the Log File I can find. It seems to be just that model with the issue of the vanishing front, though I cannot figure out why. 

    I tried othe skirts that I modeled in a smiliar way and they don't have a vanishing front issue, though they do seem to possess their own problems.

    So far I've gotten one skirt to work, and I cannot tell where the issue stems from or why this one works. The only real differences from this skirt and the others is that it had the the lowest subdivision of the models, and it was shorter in length.

    (I would attach images but the file uploader seems to be having issues at the moment)

  • Framing wouldn't affect the outcome, the idea is to do it after the simualtion to see if the skirt has jumped way out from its original position.

    You will probably need to use an external host for any files you wish to attch (a copy of the log, from justa fter simulatiiong, might be useful). OneDrive (with a Microsoft account) or Google Drive are both options, as is DropBox.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,300

    Have you used Transfer Utility to fit / conform the skirt to the figure?

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