How can i get cartoonish images?

in New Users
Hi guys. Actually my question is very simple. When I render, my pictures look very nice, but I want to render in "Fresh Women" "Fetish Locator" style. How can I do that? So I want to get a visual novel rendering. and I don't know what to do
Are there any safe-for-work examples of the general style you want?
Here, sorry for late reply
Those look to be fairly standard renders with very flat lighting, so an HDRI with a fairly even tone, large emissive surfaces or local lights with Geoemtry (in the parameters pane with the light selected) positioned mor-or-less around the figure, or even mutlple scene lights dotted around the figure. The indoor one is moderately bright, the outdoor very bright (via the intensity of the lights or the Tone Mapping settings). Mainly you want to avoid high-contrast HDRIs, or having the light coming from only one direction or from point-sources (like the unmodified spot and point lights).
Thanks for the reply but no matter how much light I gave, no matter how hard I tried, I could not capture such an image..It's like they're using a slightly different tactic, but I couldn't figure it out.
Your light is till mor dirctional than theirs - it isn't just a matter of intensity, I think, but of the directions from which light is coming and how large the emitter is.
I'll try that again
and another problem is my characters don't look as smooth as there. I think I can handle the light thing, but how do I handle the softness of these characters?
A bigger light source will produce much softer shadows than a small or point source, which will tend to smooth out fine detail (this is why candlelight of gaslight is said to be mor flattering than electic).
Okay i'm trying the light, can you tell me in what quality these renders were taken? So how many samples were taken, how many pixels are there, etc.?I'm very new to Daz and trying to learn something. I didn't understand anything from the videos.
I don't know, though I would expect the lighting would allow them to converge (reach more-or-less final values) quite quickly - it's indirect light and high contrast lighting that tends to slow things down.
Thanks. im trying lot of stuff right now