Genesis IRAY - is there a Genesis 2 IRAY converter?

I have IG essentials, for G2 and 3, and am wondering what else is available for Genesis 2 specifically. Been searching and there dones't seem to be much, unless I'm missing it somehow.
Note: I'm not interested in ecvh0's products.
You could ask here in the official thread for the Genesis version.
Good point, I will. ty
Hello, nicstt.
I did initially not plan anything for Genesis 2, at least in the short term. Now a lot of people asking if there is going to be a Genesis 2 version, I'm seriously thinking that I should make something for Genesis 2 too. This does not mean I'm going to do it "right now", since I had planned something else, but with more and more people asking, I may change my plans. I have to think about it!
TY for your response.
That would be good news. I don't have much use for the genesis/generation 4 version as I have very little content there... late to that party. But I am tempted, just to see how it works. :)
TY for your response.
That would be good news. I don't have much use for the genesis/generation 4 version as I have very little content there... late to that party. But I am tempted, just to see how it works. :)
Hello I just came here for a little :
Even if not made for Genesis 2, the two first main appliers of Genesis Iray Converter, i.e. "MAG" and "UTCC", seem (probably due to an unknown Daz Studio background process), to be working on Genesis 2. You can test this if you want to, but you have to know the normal maps are lost during the tranfer. All the other customisation scripts of the product will NOT work. But these main appliers will apply an Iray preset (the one I use for Genesis) if you accept to loose the normal maps! Well you may eventually want to test Iray preset for Genesis 2 figures, knowing that it is not optimised for G2, but for Genesis.
There are a number of skin shaders available for Genesis 2. Are those not what you want? The G2F Iray shader also works pretty well.
Hi V3Digitimes,
I would also be interested in a G2 version. Really enjoying the Gen 4, Genesis version.
Ok, I write down one more vote for a Genesis 2 Version ;)
And thanks a lot for this feedback, feedback is really important !
Thanks, for some reason I'd missed the beutiful skin version; I have it for G3.
It's great when an PA responds, they don't have to take note of it, but I don't buy one PAs shaders; I didn't like the one I tried, which wouldn't have stopped me trying their others; what stopped me there was the complete lack of reponse to my request, despite their posting before and after in the thread, and although they could have missed my post, they took note of others, but not those that expressed similar feelings or requests.
Thanks for the comment. I think I may "guess" who you mention. Well I'm not a PA only there to make products. I'm a PA because I want people to use my products, and I want that I what I do help them to be more creative, or to have nice renders, or to go faster in what they do.. Well, what I do is meant to have a positive experience in Daz Studio. This is why I think it is important to take people questions and concerns into consideration, because they are not here to struggle with what they bought. There are many other reasons, such as the fact the feedback helps to improve the products to come. This is a choice I make and I also can understand that not everybody makes the same choice. It is time consumming, essentially when the release is just done, because all the time spent on the forum, you don't spend it on your next product. But my opinion is that respecting and helping the people who bought your product is the best base to establish a relationship of trust. Which is the base of everything for the long term.
I agree that it is time-consuming; I even accept if someone doesn't want to help further; (I forgot to mention after not having to take note but as least they acknowledged; you take it as I meant it anyway which is good.) But some sort of acknowledgement so the person you responded to, doesn't keep wondering what it going on.
Anyway we seem to be getting off topic - it happens a lot on most threads though.
I'll look out for the product, presuming you decide to go ahead with it. I've just bought beautiful skin for G2; if that fulfills my requirements, I'll let you know. Although there does seem to be a lot of interest, I expect that only some of that results in sales.
Great you found what you were looking for. Anyway, I'm gonna make a G2 version and then we'll see. There are a few things I wanted to experiment in term of script, this will be a good opportunity to do so.
"So let it be written, So let it be done".
...Couldnt resist! Glad to here it and looking forward to it. :)
+1 for this.
I've got the Genesis one on my wish list, but I definitely use way more G2 than G1 figures for my webcomic... like 4 to 1 ratio if not more. I have spent a lot of hours manually converting and dinking around with shaders and bought some generic stuff like EvCh0's which work pretty well, but I would love to have a proper converter for all my lovely G2 figures that I invested so much money in.
I bought beutiful skin for G2 (already said this), and amzing skins, and they actually add life to G2.
I'm likely to buy this when it's ready, as I've become something of a fan of shaders; bought yours too btw, although I've not tried it out yet. Limited content as I already said. But I will.
Looking forward to seeing that buy now button. :)
Beginning today... I'll work on MDL the hours of the day I'm fed up with this one. I will try to reach something even better in term of user experience... And of shader..
Well as you said, there are already a panel of various shaders or materials proposed by various artists. I'll do my best to add new nice tools to your arsenal.
Well, in the meantime, you can use the base converters of the "Iray Converter for Genesis" on Genesis 2. You may have to tweak a bit the eyes, and the normal maps are lost.. And they are optimised for Genesis, not 2. But they are applicable, with not such a bad results. All the other tools will not work on G2, only the main converters 1 and 2 can be interesting to test.
I love this product. Tried it today and it's brilliant. My V4 textures convert like a dream. Haven't tried G1 but have high expectations although don't have much G1 content mostly V4 and G2. Was actually looking through the forums to see if there was a G2 version and came across this thread. I vote absolutely yes yes yes for a G2 version.
Thanks a lot!
I'm really glad you like the G4 version. I'm presently working hard on the Genesis 2 version. Due to the large amount and variety of texture sets, it is hard to find a compromise for everybody. I'm trying to have a look at new "more clever" solutions for a better coverage and adaptation of whole this variety of skins. I hope they are going to work. I cross the fingers (well not too long, otherwise my work does not progess, I need all my fingers to test all this!)
The G2 version should have all the features or Genesis and Generation 4 version plus... plus a surprise.. But I won't tell otherwise it is not a surprise any more!!!
Oh, and I should include the genitalia transfer for G2 directly in this G2 version.
Well all these, of course, are my plans at the present time. I could have bad surprises forcing me to give up a few things. So far I don't think so, but one can never know..
Well keep up the great work looking forward to whatever you come up with for G2
Thanks! I'm going on with this..
I just wanted to jump back onto this thread and say... Now that I have finally got around to buying the Iray Genesis converter. Yes, there are other shader converters and they do some nice things.... Javier Micahel's and EvCh0's. However, neither of those has the fine control that the Genesis converter has. You apply them in one go and then you have to tweak the various settings, most of which are very hard to anticipate in terms of the results. I like how your converter is point-and-click. Want more red to the translucency? Just click. No need to figure out for myself which settings need to change. I like that... since I have consistently struggled to figure out WHAT to change to get the skin to do what I need.
So, just to repeat... I'd love to have this for G2F. It would definitely go on my must buy list.
That's very nice from you Stevens. I'm working on this project currently, and try to see how to make an even more comfortable interface for the users. Concerning the skin settings, things go fine for now, but since I have a huge huge amount of figures to test and optimise over many lights sets, well, it is just "long".
Looking forward to this; I seem to have develped a habit of collecting IRAY shaders.
^^^ This, too.
And V3, I would say, don't feel like you need to apologize for it taking a while. We understand the work involved, and I can see from the Genesis product that it is good work. Quality takes time. We get that and I, for one, can be patient.
I'm going on with this... Every day... Even sundays!
Thanks a lot Steven. There is a triple challenge for me on this, 1. first the amount of figures for Genesis 2 that I have to test (hard to converge) and then I have to make a synthesis of the results to see what can be embettered, (this is hard because they are not set up the same way by DAZ or by various figures providers), 2. the fact that I try to see if I can or not include the tools for Genesis 3 or not, and 3. last but not least, the Iray render engine update of the beta ( : it seems that it changes things concerning the way scattering (SSS +/- transl) is handled by Iray, therefore there is a strong difference between figures render of old (well current) DS and the next generations of DS. If I want to make something which lasts long, I have to make it good for the new version of Iray...But it seems some figures are going to be "patched" when the beta phase for 2015.3.2 is over... It is not obvious to handle this, I think I'm gonna force anyway the color SSS reflectance tint, or well, I have to provide different Scatter settings both for 4.8 and 4.9... Well I have to have a look "in depth" at how SSS behaved before the Iray 2015.3.2 and with (and so after) the Iray 2015.3.2. This is what I'm doing today, to see better how to handle this SSS change.
See infor about New Iray here :
'NVIDIA Iray 2015.3.2
(see the end of this comment :
Great News,
I bought the V4 and Genesis bundle... absolutely want a G2 version.. and will purchase the instant it's released.!!!
I'm very glad you're happy with the V4 and Genesis version. This is why I spend so much time on products quality. When people are happy, they are more prompt to have confidence in your work, and a confident relationship is very important. Thanks for your comment. In this one for G2, you should have all the files similar to Genesis versions (but for G2), and I also plan to include some additional user interface files in order to have an even better and more comfortable experiment of the whole product from the user point of view. Just like for instance the skin base color user interface of folder "base color" for the genesis product.
Your's might be the first product i've bought in a week since I last bought anything, so far; although I was tempted over the IRAY cloth shader today.
Finally! Several weeks after, the converter for Genesis 2 is finished, released, and I have improved it including smart skin managers! The managers will allow to handle full skin, skin without nails, nails only or lips only in a single window for each key property of skin rendering and will provide to you more fine tuning over them than the smart presets as they were provided in the Generation 4 and Genesis version (which can already do a large part of the job).
It took a bit longer than expected because I had to take into account the (wonderful) update of the render engine coming with DS 4.9, and make the different settings for Caucasian and African skins for both DS 4.8 and DS 4.9 and above versions. So now versions are automatically detected and the rest of the job for you will be to click the right radio button saying if you work with an clear or dark skin :)
This time the genitalia (and other geograft) transfer tools have been widely reworked and provide an interface allowing to pick up the source figure, the destination elements and surfaces, and click to transfer.
The informations can be found here :
And the smart converter + smart presets + managers can be found here :
I hope you will be happy with this new versions, and please for any feedback, questions, render sharing, rather use this thread :
As usually I'll be present for any question or worry, but it will be a bit harder for me the next 2 days (25 and 26) because I won't be at home, plus may have a very limited internet correction where I go. Everything will be back to normal on the 27th!
Later on today, I should post a more full video presentation (20 minutes) of converter and skin managers.
Yeh. I'm buying, not sure when as - not just feeling poor - but am poor atm. I hate christmas, er that's a seperate issue. :)
EDIT: it's in the cart. Just enough store credit left.