So can we get the Gallery link…
Daz 3D Forums > General > The Commons>So can we get the Gallery link…
So can we get the Gallery links back on our posts...?

On the old forums we had a Link to our Galleries here on DAZ the Member galleries...would be great to have that back...
I have had a few Contracts thru my DAZ gallery....
Post edited by foleypro on
Galleries aren't set up on this new forum yet. They will be added at a later date.
Dare I say...Like a DAZ soon...?
People knock soon..But it is better than eventually and maybe.
Maybe soon they will eventually do it.
Sometime in the future
LOL! Haha, I love the response Frank and Chohole lol!
(Dusts off crystal ball and goes into trance) I see a future where everything at Daz3D works exactly as it should. (Comes out of trance) That'll be $7.95.
Well, I would love to see a gallery for members. I have soo many renders I'd love share on my user page :)
You could start a portfolio of your renders in the Art Studio Froum, lots of people are doing that.
That's cool, I'll check it out :) And back to the original topic of this thread, you could probably put a link to your art studio forum portfolio on your posts banner. Thx Chohole!