Victoria 4

I have prepared a scene with Victoria 4 and i have recorded. When i open i have a message such as that which i enclose. Where I am going wrong? How do I register the file? Thanks

Schermata 2015-10-05 alle 17.19.07.png
1190 x 526 - 173K
Schermata 2015-10-05 alle 17.26.25.png
1084 x 1112 - 137K


  • Where is the Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4 folder? Is the folder that holds that Runtime folder set as a Poser Content Directory in DAZ Studio?

  • mircomirco Posts: 5

    My DAZ 3D Library>Runtime>Libraries>Character>DAZ People>Victoria 4.2.cr2


  • That wasn't the folder i was asking about - do you have My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4?

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253

    reinject the morphs after the scene loads. I think the problem is from having multiple instances of the files on your HD. 

  • mircomirco Posts: 5

    Thanks. I deleted all the application "poser" and reinstalled DAZ 3d. Now I have only a single folder with a single runtime, but the problem continues to exist even for classic characters and not reprocessed. I enclose the screen of DAZ is the one with the directory containing the required files and that DAZ is not. I thought to pass from Poser to Daz, but if I do not find a solution, i think i'll have reinstalling the old Poser.

    Schermata 2015-10-23 alle 15.18.45.png
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    Schermata 2015-10-23 alle 15.18.11.png
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  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Is the folder containing Runtime setup as a Poser content directory in DS?

  • mircomirco Posts: 5

    I don't know, i have reinstalled everything with" Install Manager". Models of the genesis series work well.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    It's woth checking, the default install directory for DIM is not not the same as the default one setup in DS.

  • mircomirco Posts: 5

    This is the window of the installation, i don't know how to intervene. I have made various tests, but i have not achieved any results.

    Schermata 2015-10-23 alle 17.03.03.png
    1360 x 290 - 56K
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    In DS go to Edit > Preferences >  Content Library and select "Content Directory Manager"
    Look in "Content Sets"-->"Current Directories" --> "Poser Formats". Is the folder which contains your Runtime there? If not,you need to add it.

  • It looks like DAZ is not finding the correct morph folder. There may be a variation in the morph folder name and the file name that the code is looking for. Or, the morph folder is just in the wrong location. I dont use DIM, I manually install everything. But whenever I misplace a folder or forget to copy over a folder of any type, I get this sort of error. What morphs are you trying to load? They look like morphs++ and Hiro 4, is that right?

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