Invictus Sol - Out Now [Commercial]

My latest is out now. Well.... half of it anyway LOL The Genesis 8 version has hit the store.
There is a Genesis 9 version coming soon (shes just a diva and takes too long doing her hair in the bathroom... you guys know how that is)
Attachments appear to be broken. No big for a web code geek :P
Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
Absolutely Stunning my friend :)
Absolutely stunning work. Can't wait to play with this!
Thanks you guys!!! :)
I keep telling myself that it is much too stylized for me to use in a Low-Fantasy setting, but dang it, it's so beautiful.
Yeah lol im a bit flameboyant heh seeee what i did there?
But in all seriousness, some textures are a little more subdued. But even still, like you said, stylized.
OOOOOO...shiny....I want. Waiting for the Gen 9 version
Invictus Sol looks awesome - and even the high heels don't bother me much
I'm not sure whether I should wait for the Genesis 9 version, because the 8/8.1 version can be converted... First, though, I grabbed the three parts of Mistress Malefica, which had been on my wishlist for a long time.
Well... im gonna be honest here. Yeah, maybe those converter things would do it (idk how well, i dont use them) and you could do the same with the poses. But thats where u will get hung up. The poses also work on the clothing/flames/staff and the pose converter i used doesnt fix those things. Idk if any other converters will work, but i can say why they break... different bone hierarchy and names on g9. I had to save those things as singular poses and add them to said pose. A very messy process. Also the extra twists have been edited so the plate doesnt twist.
So it might be better to wait for the g9 vs, if thats the one ur gunning for.
oh dang I didn't even realize it was for Genesis 8...
I did notice that there's no closeup of the eyes/face so you can't really see what's going on there - there's obviously a lot of detail but its too distant to make it out exactly. There's also no promo showing the back! The promos are lovely like book covers but it'd be helpful (HUGELY helpful) to see a plain un-busy promo with some closeups and maybe the mesh (since wondering if the eye things are planes or like lashes or shaped fire geo ? and the swoopy magic thing is that planes or mesh or vdb or something else? Really more details you can show the better. I had to come ask because I need to see more!
Maybe this will help?
heh maybe!
This has 30 promos... Its all there, unless you skim and miss the plain mesh render and the blurb that says theres a genesis 9 version at the bottom. I guess both things are easy to miss by the end of a mile of promos and a mile of store page info lol
Id intended both versions release together, but i never specified and sometimes marketing has its own ideas how it wants to play something. But the g9 did come later in the testing pipeline anyway (and juneteeth delayed it more) so it could be that its just waiting its turn and not skipping the queue
Thank you, IgnisSerpentus. Both versions would be best, of course ;-) ... But I will actually wait for the G9 version first.
Yeah, hopefully the g9 vs will be released soon. Ill prolly inquire about it on monday (as theyre out of office on the weekend and its not an emergency)
But heres moar promos! Or proof of life? Lol unfortunately the attachments on the forum are broken so i cant just add em. My gallery is also a pain to navigate.... fair warning.
Stunning. Attachments are broken, so I apologise for posting it big (mods can come delete if needed), but I absolutely adore it. Well done! :)
Speaking of stunning, that render is totally a stunner. Awesome work!
Maybe now I can finally stop losing G9s to hungry wyverns.
haha hungry wyverns are no match for a fire goddess! This is such a cool render!!! I just love a fiery glow (that is also one of my very fave dragons)
AT LAST! The genesis 9 version is out
great !
Regarding the Genesis 9 version, I'm trying to hide one hand of the flames, and it seems like the geometry for the tendrils that go up the arms isn't assigned to any body part in the prop so it won't let me hide it. (The Genesis 8 version seems to have all geometry assigned and able to have visibility turned off.)
(I was also trying to see if I could get the flames on only one eye, but I can do that with the opacity mask in the layered image editor. :) )
Ok I had a look and there are utility mats to turn off left and right respectively (and all the parts separately) and I just tested them and they work.
or are you trying to turn off geometry entirely? These aren't props, but are conformers with bones going up the tail (which is what makes them posable) So the geometry isn't entirely belonging to the hand group (you'd have to turn off flame 1 thru 19 on either side) tho, the tendrils aren't separate from the flame per se on the rigged groups. You can, however, use the material zones in the geom editor to turn them off the way u are wanting to, tho.
Also worth mentioning is that u need subd turned off entirely (sliders and all) if ur trying to turn off geometry, coz the subd will cause it not to hide
ah, just found the utility poses, was trying to do it by turning off the visibility of all the body parts, probably should have looked at all the material options first. Thanks much, will post the pic here when I finish it. :)
Re: turning off one eye. I didn't do it like that coz I figured no one would turn one off.
But using the geometry editor in ds, u could select the geom of one eye and then make it a new surface. Then just copy the materials from the other eye to the new material, or just turn the new one off via opacity or in geometry editor by hitting the eye icon.
No prob! Glad you got it. There are situations where geom off would be better than material off, so I wanted to explain both. But whatever works lol can't wait to see!
Here's the pic I'm working on. :)
Oh that looks really cool!! I didn't think one eye would work so well
The one glowing/flaming eye makes for a nifty effect. In this case as a sign of the character being half demon.
She doesn't dress as colorfully as the rest of the set, but I might put one of the pauldrons on her. :)