Easy Environments: Snowy Peaks (Daz Studio) [Commercial]

Previews added for: Easy Environments: Snowy Peaks
Easy Environments Series Info:
Link: Easy Environments info page
Link: Easy Environments video page
Link: Converting 3Delight skies to Iray
Previous set Easy Environments: Autumn Woods
Previous set Easy Environments: Vertigo Tower
Previous set: Easy Environments: Oak Woods View
Previous set: Easy Environments: ExoPlanet VIII
Previous set: Easy Environments: Highlands
Previous set: Road to Nowhere
Previous set: ExoPlanet VII
Previous set: ExoPlanet VI
Previous set: Stairway to Hell
Previous set: Winter Fields
Previous set: Raft & Lagoon
Previous set: Frozen Lake
Previous set: Sandstorm
Previous set: Tower of Hope
Previous set: Grim Dawn
Hi guys :)
A new set is coming up, Easy Environments: Winter II. I hope you`ll like it!
As usual it supports Iray, 3Delight and Poser.
Old Easy Environments thread here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/13150/easy-environments-snowy-mountains-daz-studio-poser-commercial/p21
Link: Witchcraft: Sacrifice @ Daz Store
Link: Witchcraft: Sacrifice Gallery
Link: Eternal White Daz Store
Link: Tree of Life Gallery
Link: Tree of Life Daz Store
Link: First Light Daz Store
Link: Hell Gallery
Link: Hell Daz Store
Link: Snowy Mountains Gallery
Link: Snowy Mountains Daz Store
Link: Autumn Gallery
Link: Autumn Daz Store
Link: Oasis Gallery
Link: Oasis Daz Store
Link: Outback Gallery
Link: Outback Daz Store
Link: The Rock Gallery
Link: The Rock Daz Store
Link: Top of the World Gallery
Link: Top of the World Daz Store
Link: Road to Hell Gallery
Link: Road to Hell Daz Store
Link: Eternal Sands Gallery
Link: Eternal Sands Daz Store
Link: Greenlands Gallery
Link: Greenlands Daz Store
Link: Mountain Trail Gallery
Link: Mountain Trail Daz Store
Link: Winter Gallery
Link: Winter Daz Store
Link: Cosmo`s Easy Environments Thread
It looks good. Will you be updating any of the older sets to work with Iray? I can understand it was easier with Snowy Mountains because it doesn't use a skybox, but a skysphere. Unfortunately, that is one of the few I don't have, although, it is on my wishlist. I love your sets. However, I haven't figured out how to use the existing skyboxes with Iray despite a couple of tutorials on how to do that. An alternative sky for Iray with your older sets would be nice. Just wondering.
I would well and truly love it if some of the sky effects cuold somehow be updated to Iray. I found those incredibly useful, regardless of the actual environment designed for them! 'Road To Hell', especially, as it has a magnificent night sky in natural and crimson versions, perfect for any horror art (as will this be).
This one is looking as excellent as always! A most definite purchase.
Thanks for the feedback :)
To be honest, Iray and me are not friends (yet). It crashes my system so much I hardly get to learn it.
And with dark skies like on this set the HDRI lighting didn`t seem to work well ... I didn`t manage to get the amount of ambience I wanted without ruining the drawn image, so I had to fall back to adding extra lights. That said, with bright skies it`s pretty awesome.
Setting up the non-HDRI skyboxes from older sets for Iray doesn`t really cut it for me. It works, but tbh. I am not happy with the results I get either.
Anyway, -not making any promises-, but I think re-rendering some of the old skies for the Iray dome and making a new package of it might make sense.
I could use the process to make changes to the lighting, like eg. changing a daytime sky into sunset etc., that way it`d be even relevant for 3Delight.
Feel free to make suggestions, if there is some EE background you always wanted to see under different conditions.
Well, just an idea, we`ll see if anything comes from it ;)
Woohoo!!! Looks great.

I'll definitely be picking this one up to add to my collection from you. I would also like to toss my vote in for an expansion pack of iray skies for the older models once you get the hang of it. I love these sets and imagine they would only look better in the iray engine.
I like it .Non Iray is fine by me, since I don't use it. =-)
I almost think that cliff would be interesting with a regular waterfall. It certainly is a striking promontory.
Thanks guys, always nice to see some positive feedback :)
I have a bad habit of planning one set and then ending up doing something entirely different, but it`s likely the next set will be a similar build with water.
The texturing on the "Hell" cliff is actually pretty neutral (neither dark nor red), so user-customisation with a different sky, friendly lighting and a watershader on the lava streams might work too.
Well, damn, this looks pretty amazing. Easy Environments are the best :D
And the lighting packs are fabulous. They are now my go-to for most lighting. Even if I do need to turn off the sun shadows for interiors and post a spotlight outside the windows.
Thanks :)
Dare I say, I use the lighting sets myself when I toy with Daz Studio, indoors I usually kick the sun and substitute with a spotlight.
Good cue for mentioning the new set comes in native .duf format for the first time. I know this might get confusing for those who use the content tab, but I wanted to keep the two Daz Studio versions together.
For 3Delight there`s only two preloads, "skysphere only" and "full scene", where full scene includes the lighting and some cameras. The lighting here is specific to the set, so splitting it off didn`t seem to make sense.
Two more previews, the first one shows a Genesis3 character on the top level of the cliffs, and you can see the object list there.
Hi there! Just to say the set is available now :) And my whole store seems to have a 40% discount right now.
Little sidenote: I think the previews on the storepage look very washed-out right now due to heavy compression, I mailed Daz about it. For a better look you can see the less compressed originals here: Link: Easy Environments Gallery
Excellent! In my cart along with a couple other goodies, probably buy it later tonight. Looking forward to trying out some Iray renders.
Glad to hear it :)
If you manage to do a good Iray render please let me know, I wasn`t exactly happy with my own results (little do I know about render settings for Iray and stuff...)
These images seem to be very low-contrast and quite dark on my monitors. I can't really see the detail very well and so can't make a purchase decision as yet.
This means I'll find it where? I don't use 4.8 or iray.
@ Willow
If you use the smartcontent tab nothing changes. In the content library it`s found under DAZ Studio Formats / My Library / Environments / FM_EasyEnvironments.
@ Subtropic Pixel
Well, it is a dark set ... never easy to find the right balance. I checked it on three different monitors and tried to find the sweetspot between brightness and mood.
Anyway, if your main interest is the background ... well, it looks like on the previews.
In case you are more interested in the geometry I quickly threw together two renders using the sky and lighting from the Autumn set. Makes little sense but at least you get to see the rock better.
Hell Rock with Autumn Sky ....
This set needs a welcome sign...'Abandon all Hope ye who enter here...'
I tweaked the render settings a bit, but I rather like how this one renders in Iray. Thank you for another fantastic set! Now to render it in Poser.
Lol, agreed. Certainly not my most happy work :)
Saba Taru ... that`s just render settings tweaks? I love the much more pronounced red glow on the lava, it looks kinda volumetric.
To be honest that`s one thing I wanted to see on this set, I guess I have to learn more about those settings ;)
looks great but will buy it next month, right now I am waiting for the breast control for g3f that is a realy need
What, aren`t you V4 exclusive anymore?
Your priorities seem reasonable ;)
Yep. The only thing I touched were a couple of render settings (bloom being one of them). I'm still learning Iray, though, so I'm sure with a bit more time and fiddling I'll be even happier with it. :)
Replaced the lava shader with a simple water shader for this test render, using a sunny sky.
I really like how the mountain structure comes out. This is a very versatile set, indeed.
Thank you! :-)
The set looks great. I'm bumbed that I have no money left. I really tried to hold out so I could get this, but now it will have to wait until next month for me, too. It is in my wishlist, though, and I already have some render ideas in mind for it. That Iray shot looks great!!!
"If you use the smartcontent tab nothing changes. In the content library it`s found under DAZ Studio Formats / My Library / Environments / FM_EasyEnvironments."
I don't I just use the poser content tab unless I am using the hivewire horse. So I will need to retrain myself if I buy it. Although I like how it looks, I don't like that it's a dome. I can't edit a dome the way I like.
And what's wrong with being v4/m4 exclusive? lol ;P
Very nice product- I know you're very happy with it Flipmode! I'm sure it's selling well for you, as it should. Nice to see renders using different lighting, and it looks really good in all of them!
We are waiting to see if anyone will do a snow and ice texture for it.
Still hoping someone manages to work out an elevation or curve-based shader tech for Iray.
Did I mention I love this set? :-) http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#images/90528/
Thanks for the feedback everyone :)
@ Saba Taru ... Thanks for the bloom tip. I love bloom in general, but didn`t dare to change many of the Iray render settings yet.
@ lee_hs ... The water-shader image was cool and interesting for me already, but the second one really made me happy ...you brought some light into the darkness ;)
Glad you enjoy the set, I enjoy what you do with it.
@ Willow ... Nothing wrong with V4/M4, I was just surprised to read about Cosmo using something else ;)
I am sorry the EE sets are kinda technically moving away from what you like to work with. You gave them such nice support from the start, of course I`d like to see you happy with the new releases as well.
But Iray is a thing now, and with it the domes-which-are-spheres, ... I feel I have to adjust to that.
I am not sure what your trouble with editing those textures is, but you let me know if I could be of help.
@ Novica ... Thanks but nah, I am never entirely happy with anything (and glad I ain`t) ;)
In most cases I cover the full range from "that`s awesome" to "god I suck, I better find a new job", simultanously. What made me happy on this set was the sky though, I like how it looks like some religious painting, goes well with the theme imo. ;)