Uber Spot Light Shader in Daz 4.0 Pro

Hi...I'm fairly new to Daz and having a little trouble getting this item to work the way I want. I really want to see the forest texture on my character, but can't seem to get it right. I'm sure it's in the settings, but haven't figured it out.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
I am not sure what you mean here?
What forrest texture, and where is it applied to, and can you post an example of how it isn't working?
Welcome to Daz3D keaheymichael
I think the forest map keaheymichael is refering to Jimmy is the Gel that cast shadows like leaves of a tree.
From memory I think Shadows are turned off by defualt. Select the light and in the Paramters Pane or Light Pane and turn on Ray Traced Shadows.
Thanks Pete, I don;t use shader lights although I do have some, but nor the Uberspot.
I only have Uber Spots. But in time I will get Points too. I just love how we can set the shadow colour and intensity, add a gel and fall off. This is why I like mesh lights (Area) for the same reason. Plus the light is so much softer.