Can Bryce 'read' Daz Studio shaders when exported?

launoklaunok Posts: 793
edited October 2015 in Bryce Discussion

I have tons of great DS4 shaders, including furs and velvets and many others but it seems Bryce can't read them.  If I export Genesis with clothing to Bryce only the original texture will go over to Bryce but not the shader which was also added in DS to the clothing.  For instance when I use one of Wendy's clothing and her textures and added thereto a 'fur' shader in DS, only her textures show up in Bryce without fur effect.  I have tried it via the bridge but when it didn't work I have exported the full character as an .obj from DS and import .obj to Bryce - also not working.

Is the reason for this due to the fact that DS shaders only work in DS itself during render process?  I have noticed that shaders can not be seen in DS before rendering.

This is such a pity as I am not using DS for renders but do all scenes in Bryce.  DS is only used by me for preparing the characters by adding clothing, hair, accessories, morphs, poses, etc.  I am specifically looking for furry and velvety look in Bryce on clothing and other props.  I have lots of Photoshop brushes but then it can be added only on finished render in PSP or any 2D programs.

Any advice are much appreciated.  


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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2015

    Unfortunately most "shaders" do only work in the program that they are designed ofr, due to the different ways that programs compile them


    This is the reason why I do most of my freebies with "textures" rather than "shaders"

    Post edited by Chohole on
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