October 2015 New User Contest (Entry-Thread)

DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

New User's Contest - October 2015
Sponsored by DAZ 3D and  ForbiddenWhispers (ForbiddenWhispers is awarding from her store here at DAZ, 1st place 3 items, 2nd place 2 items and HM 1 item)

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been

around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been

around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join

the fun as we host our newest contest...



This month's attention will be on Atmosphere.; WIP thread.

I will be checking in on the WIP thread as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with

anything you all may need, so feel free to ask questions. Look in the WIP thread for links on Atmosphere.


For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread : Contest Rules


When working on your submissions, if you would like to get feedback as you work or before posting your

final image, please post your image to the WIP thread. People will be popping in to the WIP thread to

give you some critique and advice on your entry and help along the way.

Please keep all comments on entries etc to the WIP thread as well because comments or requests for

help/feedback/advice will be removed from the contest thread and merged into the WIP thread. This thread

is only for posting final contest submissions.

For those veterans of the forums that would like to help, because this contest is designed for the

beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to

receive a special voucher as well so, whether you are a seasoned artist or an aspiring one, there is fun

for everyone!

Closing Date: October 31, 2015

Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on


  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    Title - "Imagination"

    Daz 4.8 iRay Render

    PNG converted to JPEG in photoshop - No Postwork.

    1440 x 1080 - 1M
  • LyamLyam Posts: 137

    Title: Relections at Day's End

    Daz3d and Photoshop

    Please forgive the smoking prop. Just needed something extra to add to the mood of the lights and atmosphere.

    Reflections at Day's End.jpg
    1668 x 1152 - 2M
  • KittiKitti Posts: 77

    Title: A Warning Ignored

    Software: DAZ 4.8, PS6

    Post Work: Yes. Rendered in layers to save time & CPU resources then put together in Photoshop. Starry sky background is synthetic and NOT a DAZ element.

    Favorite Tools: Render Sphere for DAZ Studio, Linear Point Lights, Aux Viewport, and 3Delight Always!


    You stand before the gate to an old cemetery facing a newer sign that reads, "DO NOT ENTER! Unimaginable terror and certain death guards these premises. Take heed this warning, for you have no business here."

    Decision time.

    What you need is in there, it has to be. With so much at stake it is the only clear choice, you've come so far and without it you cannot go on. There is no time to plan or rationalize, you must press forward in the diminishing moonlight.

    Opening the gate was easy, locating what you seek is not. Searching futilely and passing countless markers of the dead, nothing seems to hold any promise. It MUST be here, but where? Beneath a tombstone? Inside a crypt? Within a mausoleum? Time is running out.

    When all at once the ambient sounds of autumn have suddenly stopped, and in that same moment you hear the faintest whisper of movement that sends the fog behind you swirling down your arms.

    You're out of time. Perhaps you should have heeded the warning...

    1500 x 844 - 879K
  • Here's my entry. Near where I live, there is a cozy little fishing spot down on Route 57. I used that spot as inspiration for this month's entry. Without further ado, I give you: Route 57.


    ~* Phoenix DeFalco *~


    Oct2015_'environment' - Route 57.jpg
    1369 x 880 - 755K
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    edited October 2015

    Title: Leader Is Down there

    Software: DAZ 4.8, PSP9

    Post Work:: I did the Lighting and Sun Beams in my PSP9 Program because IRay was giving me fits saying errors.

    Description: Kaybee went to her husbands secret palace because he wanted her to meet his leader. so she slowly aproaches the ledge timid of what she is about to see. She had just found out that her husband was a fairy alien to her delight and confusion.

    Leader Is Down There.jpg
    633 x 581 - 98K
    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited October 2015

    The Wonder of Discovering    Going for mysterious with a bit of ohhh what's THIS ?!? 

    Okay this is the final one.  The only thing I ended up using photo shop for was to color the bubbles.  I learned a ton!

    Discovering Wonder.jpg
    800 x 800 - 171K
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    Lady Alice, Heiress of Draycott

    Lady Alice on her way to evening prayers, the weight of her impending marriage only relieved by the antics of her pets.

    Lady Alice Webb

    Alice Webb, heiress of Draycott, 1414-1441, married to Thomas de Richmond, who took her name and coat of arms.She controlled vast estates and by taking her name it ensured their children would inherit, instead of being considered Richmonds.

    AtmoCam set to sunset mats; while I still haven't gotten the classic godrays I really like the subtle one that finally appeared. The Claustrum/Cloister is a beautiful setting.

    No post work, iray render (7 hours)



  • Nightime


    Should i stay or should i go ?



    1920 x 1080 - 590K
  • White RabbitWhite Rabbit Posts: 231
    edited October 2015

    Title:  Trouble in Paradise

    Software:  DAZ Studio 4.8

    Render Engine: iray

    Postwork: I fixed a few things in my first scene.  The baby rabbit's head was more like a rat so I fixed it in PS as that was a problem with the figure itself.  I also added a highlight to the left bunnies eye.  Lastly, I made the round tail look softer and got rid of the edges it had.

    The family of rabbits had lost their warren (some  kind of bunny home foreclosure).  So, they had to set off looking for a new place for their not so little family.  They stumbled upon an old tree that had fallen over and landed next to the pond.  It had been sitting there for many, many years and had started to sink a little into the soft, lush ground.  They hopped into the open end of the tree and made their way down to the other end of the trunk, Mr. bunny taking the lead.   They couldn't believe their eyes as they gazed out into the beautiful scene in front of them.  Lots of vegetation everywhere that would provide great shelter.  The duck pond looked so inviting to them, but rabbits have great hearing and pretty good sight too, and up in the sky there soared a hawk, one of the bunnies worst enemies!  They must wait till the sun goes down before they make a move.  In the meantime, they sipped from a light stream of water that flowed through the fallen tree.  

    1024 x 768 - 134K
    Post edited by White Rabbit on
  • TreeDeeTreeDee Posts: 70

    City Escape.

    Daz Studio 4.8 - Iray render, no postwork.

    800 x 800 - 595K
  • Title: Willow Witch

    Software: Daz Studio 4.8 - Iray render, no postwork

    Note: all original posing (a first for me) for all characters


    799 x 1294 - 110K
  • Title: Vampire In London

    Software: Daz Studio4.8 - Iray render, all effects done in Iray except where noted under postwork.

    Postwork: Gimp - The small section of highlights on and around the right side of the hood were done with two layers.  I adjusted the color slightly to give a little more definition to the main character to stand out from the background a little more with a curves adjustment and blurred the fog slightly.  Also a first, using layers in Gimp.

    773 x 1250 - 621K
  • Title: "No plan survives first contact with the enemy." 

    Software: Daz Studio 4.8 - Iray render, and no postwork

    1026 x 872 - 437K
  • Title: "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday."

    Software: Daz Studio 4.8 - Iray render, no postwork.


    533 x 864 - 261K
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    edited October 2015

    Title: Poolside Fun With Aunty and Mom

    Software: Daz 4.8 and Paint Shop Pro 9

    Postwork: Done in PSP9 the misty rain and background

    Description: Mom decided to invite her sister over to see her daughter and heself preform their latest dance moves for the play. While preforming a Bat decided to check out the action. Which made them all nervious cause none of them wanted the bat to fly in their hair.

    Pool Side Fun with Aunty and Mom.jpg
    600 x 600 - 85K
    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • White RabbitWhite Rabbit Posts: 231
    edited October 2015

    Title:  I See You In Midnight Blue

    Software:  DAZ Studio 4.8 - iray render

    Postwork: Minor using PS on bunny profiles, eye highlight, and smoothing on the droplets.

    The family of rabbits stayed in the tree all day for safety.  Now day has turned into night time, and a shroud of darkness has befallen.  Outside, rain is falling heavily, each rain drop glistening in the bright moon light.  The baby kits have retreated further back into the shadows where they sleep till morning.  What's that in the distance?  Is it an angel?  What could it be?

    1500 x 1125 - 248K
    Post edited by White Rabbit on
  • "Introspection"

    DS 4.8 Iray


    1000 x 1300 - 433K
  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    Arab Street Vendor

    iRay, post work color adjustment and smoked

  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230

    Title          :    Halloween

    Software :     Daz 4.8 - Iray

    No Postwork


    Hallooween - 1.jpg
    1476 x 702 - 817K
  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230

    Title          :    Creepy Roadway

    Software :     Daz 4.8 - Iray

    No Postwork

    October - Atmosphere - 1.jpg
    1476 x 702 - 925K
  • StargazeyStargazey Posts: 254

    "The Nightmare (after Fuseli)" 

    DAZ Studio 4.8 - 3Delight - Postwork in Photoshop


    The Nightmare (after Fuseli).jpg
    1154 x 1500 - 164K
  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    edited October 2015

    Title: Bridge to Freedom

    DAZ 4.8 Iray. Colour adjustments made in postwork.

    After wandering for days in the dense and dark jungle you finally see the sky and the sun again. All you need to do now is to get across that bridge...

    junglebridge (2).jpg
    791 x 1280 - 151K
    Post edited by isidorn on
  • White RabbitWhite Rabbit Posts: 231
    edited October 2015

    Please delete!  I posted a duplicate entry!  Sorry about that!

    Post edited by White Rabbit on
  • Moonlit Beauty

    Daz 4.8 Iray

    Gimp 2.6 post on portrait

    moonlit beauty .jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    moonlit beauty .jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • paramimeparamime Posts: 17
    edited October 2015

    Saviour of Superman

    Daz 4.8 Iray

    No Post Work

    When Superman is taken his cousin answers the call to heroism

    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    Post edited by paramime on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    TITEL : The death came from left.

    DAZ 4.8 Iray

    Postwork in Gimp

    Don't know why, but DAZ always stops rendering at 10%. So i post my best result.

    Röhre bearbeitet.jpg
    2133 x 1600 - 2M
  • Title:  "Awww shucks honey"

    DAZ 4.8; Iray render; postwork - Paintshop Pro to add dust



    Awww Schucks honey.png
    1050 x 590 - 2M
  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    An adolescent dragon practices...

    Title: "The Art of Flaming".

    DAZ 4.8  3Delight Render,  Photoshop postwork


    1280 x 720 - 467K
  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    Title - "A lesson in telekinesis."

    iRay render - png converted to JPG in PS - No postwork

    1300 x 1000 - 952K
  • XangthXangth Posts: 127

    Here is my entry for this contest. 

    Title: The Noise

    Created with Daz Studio 3D 

    the scene was built, textured and renderd in Bryce 7 Pro. no post work.


    1274 x 705 - 83K
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