What's up with the search result text boxes? [Resolved]

kwerkxkwerkx Posts: 105
edited June 2023 in Product Suggestions

On the main store page I type "Turtleneck" ('cause that's what I was looking for) into the "Search store" text box.  On the left side of the results page text boxes appear under 'Artist', 'Figure', and 'Genre' (replacing the familure '+' that reveals filters for that category).  No auto complete, so I carefully type 'Daz Originals' in the 'Artist' box, press enter and the screen flashes, reloads the same (unfiltered) results.

This feels unintentional to me.  Maybe they're placeholders or I simply don't know how to use this.  Either way, reporting it to Daz.

Post edited by kwerkx on


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