Aniblocks gone

I downloaded and installed the release version of studio 4.5.
First thing I went to do is try out the dynamic clothing DUF to carrara; still doesn't work for me. And what did I find? Well it wasn't my aniblocks, the install deleted them, poof, gone, no place to be found on my machine.
Deleted about 2 paragraphs, it would have just gotten this thread pulled. I can have a bad opinion of DAZ, I just can't voice it.
odd, where were they installed?
have you got your content in program files? this could be the cause of all your issues.
if in documents or an external drive like me, they should have been untouched.
You need to install Genesis Starter Essentials. The default content and application are now in separate installers.
Downloading it now, but how does genesis content effect content that is already installed?
Bets my missing aniblocks aren't there?
Wendy, somethings I let install were DAZ wants them, studio specific items mostly. So that is where my aniblocks should be, folders and all are gone. Didn't touch the few free ones I have, just the ones from DAZ for studio.
Edit to add: and there went my 4 trys at downloading. That A in DAZ stands for aggravation.
Ok, got them back, but I am still mystified why after several installs of studio 3, studio 4, and all the 4.5 betas the new 4.5 was the first one to do anything with them.
Or why when I pointed the installer to my library it still dumped it all in my studio folder.
That is a mystery to me, it installed to the place I told it to.
I don't have it,DCC. Clothes worked fine.
But, how do I go back to the beta? Installing this build screwed something up and now carrara wont open/import a DUF, just get an I/O error..
Let me guess, now I have to wait for an update to the C8.5 beta, right?
DUF from the previous release candidate did and still do open fine, so what did DAZ screw up in the release version?
MAN, why the F do I even bother?
I don't have it,DCC. Clothes worked fine.
But, how do I go back to the beta? Installing this build screwed something up and now carrara wont open/import a DUF, just get an I/O error..
Let me guess, now I have to wait for an update to the C8.5 beta, right?
DUF from the previous release candidate did and still do open fine, so what did DAZ screw up in the release version?
MAN, why the F do I even bother?
And this is why I walked from DAZ..
were (and how, Poser walk designer presumably) did you walk to?
You need help Wendy.