Render sizes for Daz generations

valkanvalkan Posts: 20

I'm sure it's been answered before, but what is the general difference in render overhead for different Genesis generations?

Are later generations more detailed and larger or more efficiently rendered?

Just wondering if I should use early versions for background characters or more recent?

Which version renders most efficiently with the current version of Daz?


  • Nothing's written in stone, just some ideas:

    All the figures can be rendered fine in Daz Studio. What makes the difference is the shader used. Update any old skin shaders to use the newer ones which make better use of the render engine. {Iray for Iray renders and 3Delight for non-Iray renders}

    Regardless of which figures are used in the background, dial down the subdivisions [nobody is going to see pores at 10 feet], ditch the normals and any excessively large texture images [make copies, resize those down somewhat esp. if they are something like 8K].

    If rendering still images; once the figure is posed etc., it could be exported out as an .obj and then use the .obj to replace the figure in the scene. If figure is far enough in the background, set it to base resolution before exporting out the .obj.

    Iray "loves" light -- more light renders better than dark ones.

    In the store there are several products to help lessen the scene's weight.


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