Trouble creating morph for Gen9 using Blender 3.4

Apologies if I'm stretching this newb thing too far. I'm hoping someone can spot what I'm doing wrong trying to load a morph I created using Blender 3.4. I consistently get the "Geometry did not match, failed to create morph" message. At first I was able to load the morph I created, but I probably wasn't importing/exporting with the correct settings. Toggling the morph on, instead of creating some grooves in the leg, caused the whole figure to essentially melt. I went back through and paid much closer attention to the settings I was using, double checked that I was doing my best to get as close to the tutorial I was following as possible, but now it simply won't load.
I'm following a tutorial found in, but they use blender 2.8 on a Gen8 model and I'm probably missing something fairly important. Here's what I did:
- Exported Gen9 base model in normal res and 0 subdivisions to an .obj file using the Daz Studio scale.
- Imported in Blender using Wavefront (legacy) option - it looked closer to 2.8's presets - with "Keep Vert Order" and Poly Groups checked.
- Created the Shape Keys for Base and my Morph, dialed the Morph key up to 1.
- Used the sculpting tool to make some changes to the legs
- Exported as Wavefront (legacy) with Selection Only, OBJ Objects checked in the Include section, and Apply Modifiers, Write Normals, Include UVs, Write Materials, Polygroups, and Keep Vertex Order checked.
- Back in Daz, selected the Gen9, opened Morph Loader Pro, loaded the new .obj in the Morph Files, still using the Daz Studio scale. Load Morphs For is set to Primary Figure (Vertex Only).
If anyone has any tips on what I might be doing wrong, might save what's left of my sanity.
Might want to check your sculpt settings, sometimes that will dynamically add topology and therefore mess up your vertex order.
Any attachments like eyes and mouth present on your export? You cant have those present on Gen 9, those need to be morphed separately using follower morph. (See youtube tutorials on making eye and mouth morphs for Gen 9)
Does "Base model in normal res and 0 subdivisions" mean "Resolution Level: Base"? It needs to be set to "Base".
That setting is fine. However, for peace of mind, you dont actually need to use Legacy options for import and export in 3.2+.
You can just use the normal obj importer in the latest Blender versions and they will automatically preserve vertex order, so you dont need to worry about reading vert groups etc, just leave everything logical unchecked and it will work fine for creating and exporting morphs.
Only use the sculpting tools that preserve geometry. Most of them do preserve geometry, i.e., they just push/pull vertices around, but some random ones like Snake Hook brush will sometimes add new vertices.
Awesome, thanks! After a lot of trial and errror I eventually figured out how to import using the legacy one by checking "OBJ Groups", but knowing that the newer obj importer does the job makes it much simpler.
Well...i dont think you need to click OBJ Groups when exporting with the legacy one anyway. But glad that allegedly worked for you...
None of this actually works ....
So you export at base resolution and with no attachments, make sure that the Blender options are set to preserve vertex order on Import and export, and use tools which do not add or remove geometry but solely move it around? How and where is it failing?
I'm having the same problem with G9F to blender. I've watched every possible tutorial and tried what feels like every combination of import and export settings. I even tried importing to blender then saving an obj without changing anything or sculpting and i get this error. I even tried importing the original obj from Daz right back into the Morph loader and get this error....
I just noticed that in Daz my model has 1 million + verticies but when imported to blender that number changes to 34,654..?
confirmed in the log:
Vertex count mismatch in Morph Loader
The count in DS is with SubD, but the morph needs to be on the base resolution - the reduced count would be correct. However, it looks too high which suggests you are including the additional fitted elements (eyes etc.) in the OBJ.
Please post a screenshot of your OBJ export settings.
Scale does not effect geometry mismatch error. Vert Order issues does not cause geometry mismatch error either usually (instead, it results in mangled morph). Geometry mismatch is usually because the geometry count is off, usually because at some stage you either did not export base geometry, included excess geometries, or added geometry when sculpting.
Note: Gen 9 Base is 25.1k verts, not 34k.
1. Load Devload G9F figure in Daz
2. In Parameters, set resolution to Base
3. Export as obj (you can leave scale as default 100%)
4. Import obj in Blender, ensuring it is the one you just exported. In latest versions of Blender, it will naturally preserve Vert Order. So there is no special option you need to select. You can leave Blender scale as default 1.0, assuming you left it as default when you exported from Daz.
5. It should be 25.1k vertices. You should only have G9F mesh in your scene.
5. Morph using any standard Sculpt tool like grab brush
6. Export as obj (can leave settings as default 1.0, assuming you have left as default on previous import and export steps)
7. Load as morph using morph loader pro
Thanks for the help guys. So Richard, I did what you suggested, started a new project and loaded the base gen 9 figure- it works. I can bring it back from Blender through Morph Loader Pro no problem! So now I'm trying to understand why it doesn't work for the character I've been building.
- I deffinetly exported just the base geometry. I hid eyes, eyelashes, mouth etc (everything but "genesis 9," see image attached).
- Not sure what would constitute as excess geometry. I'm using a body morph sliders from multiple genesis 9 characters to get a base figure i like, could that be the problem?
- And there's not been any sculpting to the character, everything made in Daz.
What settings did you have in the OBJ export dialogue? If you reload the OBJ is it just the base Genesis 9, without any additions?
Thank you for the suggestion, I exported the obj with the settings in the first attached image (including base resolution in parameters), selected only genesis 9 again from the scene tab and try to import through Morph Loader Pro and get the error (Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph).
So I did what you suggested and imported the obj into a new project (see second attached image), and i can clearly see there are no addons. Then I tried adding the same obj as a morph and it works (only in this new project). So i deleted my character and in the same new project added a base genesis 9 character and tried adding the obj morph and get the error.
I've included more attached images for other export settings I've tried.
yes, blender essures I have the correct amount of vertices (see attached image)
Oh thank you, I re-upplaoded a censored version! and you're actually seeing through her body because I'm using Golden Palace (3rd party genitalia addon) and when I remove it to export i creates a hole- wait..
the Golden Palace addon once actually deleted from my scene deleted the mesh hole and the morph imports correctly!
If I export with Golden Palace ON it doesnt work, if i just hide Golden Palace it does not work.
When a geograft is "fit to" a figure, the underlying figure polygons are not active. You can probably just unfit the Golden Palace from the figure (fit to none), and hide Golden Palace in the scene when exporting, rather than deleting it completely. But deleting it is a sure way to overcome this problem. Congratulations on resolving the problem!
It looks like you are still not completely in compliance with the forum rules on nudity. Please read the sticky thread on Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity.
Thanks! Can you explain how to "unfit" Golden Palace?
Either select it and then use the Fit to button in the parameters pane (under the Constraints group) or right-click on it in the Viewport and select Fit "Item name" To. In the dialogue that opens select None.
It was explained many times not to include additional geometry, specifically geografts.
Yes, geo-grafts are the culprits but you don't have to unfit GP and other grafts if there's any. A trick : press Alt Shift + G (Geometry Editor) before exporting to OBJ. With Geometry Editor activated, all geo-grafts turn into floating geometry that won't be merged with exported OBJ.
Then remember to Alt Shift + U or T... after export, so as to be back to Universal or Translation tool...
We are in the New Users forum here. He did hide the geometry, as told. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone mentioned that geografts need more than hiding. I certainly didn't think about it at first.
I seriously appreciate all your help guys, thank you.