PBR Filament render makes everything pink

Even when creating a new scene with just a primitive box in it with no shader, if i switch to the PBR rendering it turns it pink, and i can see four different shades of pink depending on whether i want dome, dome+scene, scene, or sun-sky mode, but none of them allows me to view the surface as it is.  all blues, greens, etc look nearly black and i think they are being multiplied with the pink light. 


this problem seems basic, but nobody else seems to be experiencing the same issue. is it possible to use PBR/Filament to view the "true" colors of objects in their full brightness? if not, can the pink tint be cancelled out with another tint so that they  appear true to color?  I notice that spotlights and distant lights dont seem to change this either ... i even tried adding a blue distant light, but it, too just made thinks darker instead of bluer.


ive been using DAZ for nearly three years now, but Im an off-and-on hobbyist so I am still posting in the new-user forum as Ive noticed my posts so far have tended to be answered quickly. I appreciate the help people here have given me and hope that this problem is as easily solved as the others. I have looked for answers in the forums and on other sites, but as Ive mentioned, no one else seems to have this specific problem.  


Thank you,



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,064

    while Filament is loading the surfaces are a purple shade, maybe your OpenCL needs an update 

  • soapwellsoapwell Posts: 23

    Thank you both, but it's clear from Uncanny's post that the pink I'm seeing is not the purple you both are talking about.  When the scene loads, or when I switch from another view into PBR view, I see the dark bluish-purple shades at first, but they quickly blink into their new shades, which are smoothly rendered except that they  are stained pink .... blues and greens are nearly black, and whites and reds are nearly indistinguishable. 

    Looking for help I saw a lot of people saying that in  Blender, their objects are being rendered as pink, but this seems to be no more than a coincidence, as I don't do anything in Blender.  I chose not to mention it because it seemed like it could distract from what Im trying to do.  

    At first I was prepared to just put this aside and stick with the lower-quality OpenGL and 3Delight renders, but if I could get PBR/Filament to work properly it would save me a lot of time.  


    My computer is from 2015, so it is possible that it has old drivers, or perhaps a graphics card for which new drivers don't exist. Ive never heard of OpenCL and Im not sure I can download new drivers for it, and it's even possible that my computer doesnt support OpenCL at all.  Having an old computer is one main reason why Im willing to sacrifice quality for speed of rendering.  That said, the OpenGL, 3Delight, and LRay render engines are all working perfectly for me .... they're just very slow, with LRay being by far the slowest.  If I could only get rid of the pink shading, the PBR/Filament would be as good of a rendering engine as I'd need.  I recognize that it has a few faults too, but I can deal with those.

    Here is a picture to show what I'm seeing ... the cyclist's outfit is supposed to be green, not black.  The trees in the background are a JPG projected onto a card and are supposed to be shades of green as well. Thus it seems that different greens are handling the shading in different ways, but in no case is there even a hint of actual green in the picture.

    Best regards, 


    560 x 350 - 194K
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,914

    soapwell said:

    Looking for help I saw a lot of people saying that in  Blender, their objects are being rendered as pink, but this seems to be no more than a coincidence, as I don't do anything in Blender.  I chose not to mention it because it seemed like it could distract from what Im trying to do.  

    As far as I can tell, that's to make it really obvious when an object doesn't have a valid shader. The only suggestion I can give you as someone who doesn't use Filament is to check your lighting, maybe try scene lights instead of an HDRI or vice versa depending on your circumstances. 

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