Categories are appearing Blank

Not sure what is happening but I redid my Library (moved it to a local NAS, and its working great on my main PC and laptop) and now I cannot setup any categories.

I create a Category Path: Female/Poses/Laying

and then I goto my library and find the poses I want to organize > R.Click > Create Category from Select Folder & Sub-folders > while selecting the parent folder that holds all the poses in a certain set > select the path I created earlier and click on the "Laying" folder and OK.

Then when I go down to the Categories section and open the tree to /Laying/PosesFolderISelected > its empty.

The name is saved sure but none of the contents link back to the actual poses.



  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,224

    Did you select the poses themselves when you added them to the category? Or just the file's name? I have accidentally missed clicking on items I wanted to add to a category and had to go back and select them again. (Normally when I am tired or my clicker finger is overworked.)

  • HyeVltg3HyeVltg3 Posts: 87

    I selected the entire Folder, not individual poses.

    In further testing, this works for SOME and not for others :/ I wonder if theres some kind of requirement to be "Catagorized" 

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