Strand based eyebrows
in Art Studio
Have many people tried using strand based hair for eyebrows?
I struggled with trying to get the look I wanted with fibremesh eyebrows and eventually resorted to using strand based hair. I found it much easier to achieve what I wanted. Teh eyebrow goes exactly where you paint it and you can match the hair by using the same material.
Attached render of a current project (still very much work in progress...)
The girl in the blue dress.jpg
3000 x 2400 - 676K
I usually would make the SBH hair on an eyebrow "hair cap"/"hair scalp" so that it can be more readily moved between generations and so that you can control the vertex density of the haircap. SBH hair style curves grow from the vertices so the more vertices the more style curves you get. Having more style curves is not always better, but can help if you want more granular control of hair flow for finer details.