Third Party Software Installed Via Install Manager?

Can 3rd party assets (made specifically for Daz Studio) be installed via Install Manager? I read that it could be somewhere, but I can't find where I read that now. If the answer is yes, are there instructions on how to do it?
Thank you.
You may use Content Wizard to install 3rd party products and Content Wizard can export IM package which could be installed again by DIM. The benefit is that you may use DIM to uninstall the product afterwards.
Thank you!
Depends on the assets at hand. If you get a zip file then the only way to set this up is by unzipping it, or using another tool as hinted at above.
If you want to avoid clutter in your main library then there's a very easy solution: just create an extra Daz library. Any folder on your system can be used as a Daz Studio library, supporting either the Daz or Poser formats. This is IMO the best way to keep a clear separation between your regular library (which you use to install assets as those bought on the Daz store) and 3rd party assets.
If you want to look into this then press F2 while in Daz Studio, open the 'Content' tab and check the content directory manager option.
Thank you, ShelLuser .
I too prefer to use Content Wizard for 3rd-party products and Export Zip Files from CW, then place the zip files in the Downloads folder specified in DIM settings. Launch DIM, choose "Work Offline" and your new files will show up in the "Ready to Install" tab.
Optionally, you can create a 3rd-Party content folder on your hard drive (as @ShelLuser mentioned) and then add the folder location in Daz Studio prefs... Content Directory Manager (CDM).
Here's a short video that shows the Step-by-Step for this process...
How to Use Third Party Content in Daz Studio
Thank you, everybody. I found that loading the zip files directly into the DIM downloads folder seems to do the trick nicely.
I had stopped using Daz Studio for a while, and when was able to get back to using it, found that the zipped 3rd party files that fomerly would install via DIM no longer do so under the new version of Daz which came out while I was not using it.
Oh, well.
What happens when you try?