question about the Jack Tomalin license.

"Game Developer License for Indie Developers to make use of Jack Tomalin's products"

Can omeone define "make use of?" I thought we always had rights to 2d images produced with products bought at DAZ, even if we used them in commercial games. This is very vague -do we still have that right?


  • rights to 2D images yes. BUt not 3D assets. So that license is for 3D games and the 3D meshes to be used in realtime projects.

  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744

    That's what I thought but his wording was very vague.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    If you want to develop and use the mesh then you will need one of those licenses. 2D images you can do whatever you wish with them.

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