Export M3 head to .OBJ WITHOUT lashes and eyebrows??

So I'm trying to export a custom morphed M3 head as a .obj for a reference for a sculptor, but the eyelashes and eyebrows come along with it, much to my annoyance. Is there any way I can exclude these from the .obj export?

369 x 321 - 36K
What program are you exporting out of.
In Poser I would go to the hierarchy editor and turn the eyebrows and eye lashes off before exporting.
Hi chohole. I'm exporting out of DS Standard 4.0.
I just looked at this in DS 4.5, and as far as I can see, the Eyebrows and Eyelashes are part of the Head geometry.
You would need to take the OBJ into a modelling program to change the appearance I think. Hexagon is still free for the moment, and it should be able to do it. What software did you use to create the morph?
That is most annoying Jimmy. I just checked and you are right. In Poser HE the head is shown as just the one item, and yet when I export an obj into Bryce I can select the eyebrows and lashes as separate meshes and remove them.
Thanks Pam, yes, you can do it in Hexagon too. The head comes into Hex as one mesh, but you can select a poly in the eyebrow, grow the Selection, and then delete it, same with the eyelashes.
Easy enough to fix really.
Hi Jimmy. I used M3's head and body morphs, along with Capsces Digital Ink's Brom package, to create the morph.
Looks like I'm downloading Hexagon and figuring out how to remove those annoying polys. Meh!
Thanks for your guidance, all!