Morphing wildenlander "Cloak Down"?

Newbie to Daz.
I'm trying to make the hood go down on the cloak for I see "Hood Down" in the Utilities Morph but is grayed out. Any ideas on how to do this?
I want the cloak on, just no hood over the head.
Any help would be great!
I don't have this item, but some of our members are bound to have it installed. I norice from the Product Page that it says there is a PDF tutorial supplied with it. Did you know that, and does it give any useful info?
I can't see why there would be a morph for what you want, but it is not useable? Hopefully someone will come along who has an answer for you.
I just checked the Item and I do not find a Hood Down Morph. The Promo Images also do not show a Hood down image. It does show the item with the Hood turned OFF so it does not show in the render.
To do that just Select the item in your Scene Tab and Open it. Then turn the HOOD off with the little EYE for that part. The hood will then not be in your render.
Good thinking Jaderail, why didn't I think of that .. don't answer :)
Thanks for the insight Mates! I was able to find the hood down morph... It was buried pretty far...
I'm happy you found the answer.