Daz Studio Storing Morphs in wrong folder.

Hello All!
A while back I had accidentally deleted a folder that was supposed to contain a custom morph that I have made called "Voluptuous Toned Body". I had followed a tutorial on You Tube for the procedure. However, unbeknownst to me, Daz Studio seemed to be storing all the morph settings for my characters in that folder. At the time I discovered it, I didn't think anything of it and thought it was copies of what I had stored on my hard drive elsewhere. So I deleted it and that started my problems with my Genesis 8 Female characters loosing their morphs. Realizing what I had done, I had put the morph folder back, but I made sure I never used that custom morph again. Well, Daz stopped creating new charaters and storing the morphs in that folder, but many of my older characters are still calling morphs from that folder.
To give a better picture of what I am talking about, here is are the (partial) contents taken directly from that folder. Remember, this folder was to contain only a few items as it was supposed to be a custom morph:
The list goes on listing the morphs stored in the folder from A-Z taking up a massive 3 gig worth of morph files.
As you see, by that screenshot that it was dumping every single morph I used for my creations into that folder after I created it and I have no idea why Daz did that in the first place. So, if it is no longer doing it, why am I bothering? Well, it seems as if many of my HD morphs are not working both with existing characters and also when I create new characters and that is a big problem. I had deleted the affected HD morph packages and had reinstalled them, but to no avail. Further, I do want to fix this situation and delete this folder, but currently can't do that otherwise it will affect my characters that I have created pre- 2020.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,

I don't think the program ist doing something wrong here. Morphs go, where you direct them to go.
It might have happen, that you've put the data files in the wrong place, when you've tried to restore your data base.
Since the anount of files can be huge, this can happen easily.
Daz can only load one morph with same name. Therefore, if you have resaved morphs into another random folder, Daz might load those instead of the morphs that you reinstalled into correct folder.
So you have to delete the duplicates from your My Library folder (or whatever other folder you accidentally saved to) to stop them loading in place of the ones you freshly reinstalled.
Make sure you are being very careful when saving morph assets that you are setting the base directory and Vendor/Product names correctly, and that you are only selecting the morph you want to save, as these setting direct Daz which content library to save to, and which data folder to save to.
If you input wrong thing into Content Library, Vendor, and Product name when saving, and if you accidentally highlight every single morph on the Figure to save, then it will save duplicate copy of all your morphs into "wrong folder". I suggest clearing all those morphs from that "wrong folder" (first you can copy them elsewhere if worried about data loss). In order to test if that Content database is the one causing the morph blocking issue, you can always temporarily remove the whole content library from DAz Studio pretty easily by right clicking then remove it in the Content Library tab in Daz Studio before loading a figure.
And i dont think it was "daz doing this" i think you probably accidentally put wrong settings when saving, as described above, which is very easy to do.
You can have unlimited Content Libraries and can easily remove/add them back when needed. So you can always just make a copy of the faulty content database and keep it somewhere for safe keeping for if you ever need to revist old scenes/characters. But otherwise you can remove it from within Daz Studio as described above.
Also, note that Daz will still call/load the morphs correctly if they have the same name and /data folder structure, regardless of whether they are in another active content database. Data Studio doesn't include the root directory folder (e.g., My Library) in the morph's path, which is why that duplicate morphs issue can block morphs loading. But on plus side, this means that only the unique morphs that dont already exist in another content database would need to be preserved in that folder to be called when loading an old scene. Other morphs will still be called correctly, even if in another content database root folder.
That therein lies the problem in the first place. That is what I did, I deleted the "Voluptuous Toned" morph folder and that is what started this problem in the first place. I have no idea where those files "should" be.
That is kind of a dumb way to handle things if you ask me. The Voluptuous Toned morph I created a long time ago WAY back in version 4.12. I had no idea that the situation that you mentioned above could happen. But apparently that is probably what DID happen, but now comes the problem of fixing it. Apparently the software is making calls to a good number of HD files and I get an error message that it cannot load them. So despite restoring the Voluptuous Toned folder, something was lost along the way.
And where should I put them?
Still, a warning message or something would have been nice. The program should have kept the morphs where they were and not changed the default location just because I created one morph.
As it stands I CANNOT remove the Voluptuous Toned directory as that is what started this problem in the first place. Somehow, I managed to get it to STOP referencing NEW characters I create from that folder, but anything I have created pre 2020 still references that folder and I have a great number of characters that I have created between 2018 (when I started using Daz) to 2020.
Yeah, I have noticed that and THAT to me is a problem with how Daz handles its directory structure. I think if set specified paths were put in place, this issue wouldn't have happened.
I don't follow as that being a plus. What happened is that when I created the Voluptuous Toned morph, it somehow copied other morphs to that folder and then referenced them from then on when I created a new character, whether I used the Voluptuous Toned morph or not. Now I don't know WHERE the morphs are supposed to be. More than likely, they are still elsewhere. The problem was happening with every new character I created up to 2020. It probably stopped because that year I changed my hard drive. It is also the year when I have noticed problems with the system. However, it wasn't until Summer of 2022, when I started to act on the issue and one of the first things I did was to remove that Voluptuous toned morph and that was when my problems started.
This had happened BEFORE I "accidentally" deleted the folder. In fact it was the folders's large size that had me investigate it after I realized what had happened post deletion.
Oh! I wanted to add some more information about a character that I have created in 2020 and loaded this morning. From there I viewed the log file. Here is part of it from that character. Even though I tried to correct the issues with this character and for the most part it looks fine, the file for the character is chock full of errors:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.688 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.2s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Thorneworks/Karyssa 8/JCMs/Karyssa_pJCMShldrDown_40_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.704 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.15s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Thorneworks/Karyssa 8/FHM Karyssa 8 Head.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.708 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb3Bend_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.709 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb3Bend_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.711 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb2Bend_65_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.713 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb2Bend_65_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.715 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb1Up_20_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.717 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb1Up_20_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.719 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb1Bend_50_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.720 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMThumb1Bend_50_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.723 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMShldrDown_40_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.725 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMShldrDown_40_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.727 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing3Dwn_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.729 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing3Dwn_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.730 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing2Dwn_105_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.732 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing2Dwn_105_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.734 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing1Dwn_95_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.736 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMRing1Dwn_95_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.737 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky3Dwn_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.740 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky3Dwn_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.742 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky2Dwn_105_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.743 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky2Dwn_105_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.745 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky1Dwn_95_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.747 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMPinky1Dwn_95_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.749 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid3Dwn_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.750 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid3Dwn_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.752 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid2Dwn_105_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.754 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid2Dwn_105_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.756 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid1Dwn_95_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.758 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMMid1Dwn_95_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.760 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex3Dwn_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.761 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex3Dwn_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.763 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex2Dwn_105_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.765 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex2Dwn_105_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.767 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex1Dwn_90_R.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.769 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/pJCMIndex1Dwn_90_L.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.770 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMUnderMouthSlackHD.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.771 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.771 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.773 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMPhiltrumDepth.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.775 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMNoseTipHeight.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.777 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMMarionetteLinesHD.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.778 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.778 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.780 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMLipTopPeak.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.784 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.3s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMLipsThin.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.786 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMJawSlackHD.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.787 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.787 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.790 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.2s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMJawSize.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.792 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMForeheadWrinkleHDR.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.793 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.793 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.795 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMForeheadWrinkleHDL.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.795 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.795 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.798 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMEarsSize.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.800 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMEarlobesLength.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.801 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMCrowsFeetHDR.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.802 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.802 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.806 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMCrowsFeetHDL.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.806 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.807 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.810 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMBrowSlackHD.dsf
2023-03-03 06:17:05.811 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-03 06:17:05.811 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-03 06:17:05.815 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PBMWristSize.dsf
Again note the references to the Voluptuous Toned folder. Also note the HD errors and this is the main problem I am having now with Daz as I am having difficulty with a great number of HD morph files.
I am hoping that someone can help me get this fixed because I want to restore full operation to Daz Studio and I really don't want to have to blitz the entire program and start all over. I have about 3500 files (as noted from DIM) and (individually) removing and reinstalling them is NOT something I want to do.
The only thing that stops the old scene files from complaining about missing files, is if you return the files to the folders where they were before you removed them - The path to those files is saved inside the old scene files.
If the old scene is not actually using those morphs, you can save the scene file again and the next time you open that scene file, it's not looking for them anymore.
That is a no can do because the original location of the Voluptuous Toned morph folder was on the C drive and it wouldn't fit there anymore.
That I figured out as well, but the issue is that something is damaged with HD morphs and even when I create new characters, they are affected by it, and this is in addition to the nearly 100 or so existing characters that look somewhat different from when I initially created them. And yes, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the packages that were affected. It seems, something bigger, and more important is damaged. I had been thinking about deleting Daz itself, completely, and reinstalling it, but I have no idea what that would do, despite having my figures and scenes stored elsewhere.
DS doesn't save or care about the drive letter, the paths are relative, ie. the base folder is whatever folder you have specified as Content Library.
To rule out any morph blocking issue, which is when morph with same name will block the correct morph in correct path from loading, I would suggest removing all non-custom morphs (particularly the HD morphs) from that 'Voluptuous Toned' folder. Then if Daz Studio sitll has a problem calling them, search your directory to check if they are already installed in your main Daz3d directory. If not, you can reinstall them using DIM or Daz Central to your main Daz3D content directory, or howsoever people install content these days.
(Before removing the morphs from Voluptuous Toned folder, temporarily copy them somewhere else so can easily restore them back if causes more issues.)
Oooo, yeah, that is a no can do. This is what I tried above by deleting the WHOLE folder and what caused this mess in the first place. Most of my older figures will not work as they are calling for morphs that are in that folder. The thing is that (for some reason), the figures I created seemed to be saving the morphs and settings to THAT folder rather then where they should be. However, once I have moved that folder (which was in 2020), it seems the newer characters I created have stopped accessing that folder, but there are a great many older characters I still use and they want to see that folder. So, as of now, I have not found a way to delete the folder without damaging my characters. Granted, they are damaged anyway since there is a problem with the HD morphs., but I don't know how to fix the problem so that the characters access the morphs from the CORRECT folder and not the Voluptuous Toned one.
I have tried this as well, by removing and reinstalling the Genesis 8 Female Head Morph package. It didn't work. And I know you are probably going to say delete both the package and the Voluptuous Toned folder at the same time and then reinstall the morph package. While that might work on initial thought, the problem is that the characters are going to look for the morphs where the Voluptuous Toned folder was and thus I will get an error and (of course) the morph will not load because it isn't there.
This was effectively what I had done when I removed the folder in the first place. However, I didn't know what was happening when I initially deleted the folder. Luckily I had a back up of the folder elsewhere, albeit, it wasn't a current backup. Nevertheless I installed it anyway just to get my characters back. But because that was an 'old' backup, it was missing things and that was where my problems started. I have tried to fix many of the characters manually, but I can't get them 100%. Further, I am still stuck with this Voluptuous Toned folder.
Yes, this I know about and is probably the culprit of most of the issues that I am having with Daz. If they went with a more 'normal' specified path with a drive letter, I don't think I would have been in this mess in the first place. That being said, the said "Voluptuous Toned" folder has grown large enough that I cannot put it back on the C: drive and, frankly, I don't want it there.
In a nutshell, I need to figure out what in Daz Studio (main program) is damaged that I cannot load many HD morphs. I know it is related to the Voluptuous Toned folder issue and that leads me to the next thing. I want to get rid of that folder without causing further damage to my characters.
I am worried that I might have to uninstall / reinstall Daz Studio. But if I go that far, I just need to know what I have to do to keep my data intact as I don't want to loose everything.
To my knowledge, this problem seems to be only affecting Genesis 8 Female figures, everything else is fine. Pretty much everything that didn't access that folder seems to be fine, with the exception of certain morphs. But I have noticed that some bought only characters, the morphs stopped working on as well, such as Alexandra 8. However, another HD figure I bought at around the same time as Alexandra was Sydney and her HD morphs are working fine. Keep in mind this is from load a fresh unaltered character.
Here is part of the log file from loading a fresh Alexandra 8 character and moving some of her HD morphs controls around. Note the references to the Voluptuous Toned folder.
2023-03-05 13:24:59.834 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(6969): Formula target property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Expressions/eCTRLBereft_HD.dsf#eCTRLBereft?value - in file: /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Aiko%208/eJCMAiko8Bereft.dsf
2023-03-05 13:24:59.834 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(6903): Formula output property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Expressions/eJCMBereft_HD_div2.dsf#eJCMBereft_HD_div2?value - in file: /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Aiko%208/eJCMAiko8Bereft.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.501 [INFO] :: Creating multiply stage formulas...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.508 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(6903): Formula output property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Mechasar/Zuna/MCM_Zuna_Breast_TopShape.dsf#MCM_Zuna_Breast_TopShape?value - in file: /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Mechasar/Zuna/CTRLZuna.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.666 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(6969): Formula target property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Catalyst/Alisha%20for%20Darcy%208/AlishaHead.dsf#Alisha%20Head?value - in file: /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Catalyst/Alisha%20for%20Darcy%208/MCM_AlishaEyeCloseRight.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.666 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(6969): Formula target property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Catalyst/Alisha%20for%20Darcy%208/AlishaHead.dsf#Alisha%20Head?value - in file: /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Catalyst/Alisha%20for%20Darcy%208/MCM_AlishaEyeCloseLeft.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.666 [INFO] :: Processing scene data...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.666 [INFO] :: Finalizing modifiers...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.667 [INFO] :: Finalizing channels...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.668 [INFO] :: Finalizing materials...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.668 [INFO] :: Sorting property groups...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.671 [INFO] :: Finalizing scene data...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.683 [INFO] :: Begin Loading Character Addons...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.686 [INFO] :: Prepare asset load (merge): /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Tools/Script Loads/Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.686 [INFO] :: Locking viewport redraw...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.686 [INFO] :: Viewport redraw locked.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.687 [INFO] :: Native format content directories: 2
2023-03-05 13:25:04.687 [INFO] :: Poser format content directories: 3
2023-03-05 13:25:04.687 [INFO] :: Other import format content directories: 1
2023-03-05 13:25:04.687 [INFO] :: Begin asset load (merge): /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Tools/Script Loads/Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.690 [INFO] :: Determining missing assets...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.702 [INFO] :: Setting textures...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.725 [INFO] :: Scanning for addons...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.756 [INFO] :: Creating node geometry...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.757 [INFO] :: Creating UV sets...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.757 [INFO] :: Creating materials...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.761 [INFO] :: Resolving legacy figures...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.761 [INFO] :: Preparing modifiers...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.802 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5962): Parent for modifier not found: PBMDDStilettoNails.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.802 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1712): Modifier not prepared: PBMDDStilettoNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.802 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5962): Parent for modifier not found: PBMDDSquovalNails.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1712): Modifier not prepared: PBMDDSquovalNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5962): Parent for modifier not found: PBMDDSquareNails.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1712): Modifier not prepared: PBMDDSquareNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5962): Parent for modifier not found: PBMDDLongNails.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1712): Modifier not prepared: PBMDDLongNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.803 [INFO] :: Creating modifiers...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.808 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1729): Modifier not created: PBMDDStilettoNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.808 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1729): Modifier not created: PBMDDSquovalNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.808 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1729): Modifier not created: PBMDDSquareNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.808 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1729): Modifier not created: PBMDDLongNails!
2023-03-05 13:25:04.815 [INFO] :: Creating sum stage formulas...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.820 [INFO] :: Creating multiply stage formulas...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.820 [INFO] :: Finalizing modifiers...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.820 [INFO] :: Finalizing channels...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.820 [INFO] :: Finalizing materials...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.820 [INFO] :: Sorting property groups...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.821 [INFO] :: Setting up follow targets...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.821 [INFO] :: Start following: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.821 [INFO] :: Following started: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.821 [INFO] :: Connect base morphs: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.851 [INFO] :: Creating morph projection map: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.890 [INFO] :: Base morphs connected: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.890 [INFO] :: Creating morph projection map: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.922 [INFO] :: Finished asset load (merge): 0m 0.235s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Tools/Script Loads/Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.922 [INFO] :: Processing morph projection queue: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.924 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/MCMAlexandra8_Navel_HDLv4.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.925 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-05 13:25:04.925 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-05 13:25:04.938 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.12s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/FBMAlexandra8.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.939 [INFO] :: Morph projection queue processed: Alexandra 8 << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-03-05 13:25:04.943 [INFO] :: Unlocking viewport redraw...
2023-03-05 13:25:04.943 [INFO] :: Viewport redraw unlocked.
2023-03-05 13:25:04.946 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.2s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.947 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-05 13:25:04.947 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
2023-03-05 13:25:04.948 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMEyelashesLengthUpper.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.949 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMEyelashesLengthLower.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.950 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PHMEyelashesCurl.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.951 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.0s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/PBMNavel.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.960 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.8s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/FHMAlexandra8.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.995 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.2s - /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Head/PHMEyelashesLengthUpper.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:04.998 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Head/PHMEyelashesLengthLower.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.000 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Head/PHMEyelashesCurl.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.002 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PHMEyelashesExpand.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.004 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.1s - /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female Eyelashes/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Alexandra 8/FHMAlexandra8.dsf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.076 [INFO] :: Prepare asset load (merge): /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Alexandra 8/Alexandra 8 Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.076 [INFO] :: Locking viewport redraw...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.076 [INFO] :: Viewport redraw locked.
2023-03-05 13:25:05.077 [INFO] :: Native format content directories: 2
2023-03-05 13:25:05.077 [INFO] :: Poser format content directories: 3
2023-03-05 13:25:05.077 [INFO] :: Other import format content directories: 1
2023-03-05 13:25:05.077 [INFO] :: Begin asset load (merge): /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Alexandra 8/Alexandra 8 Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.083 [INFO] :: Determining missing assets...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.096 [INFO] :: Setting textures...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.096 [INFO] :: Creating materials...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.098 [INFO] :: Applying animations...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.111 [INFO] :: Setting up follow targets...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.111 [INFO] :: Finished asset load (merge): 0m 0.33s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Alexandra 8/Alexandra 8 Eyelashes.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:05.111 [INFO] :: Unlocking viewport redraw...
2023-03-05 13:25:05.111 [INFO] :: Viewport redraw unlocked.
2023-03-05 13:25:05.112 [INFO] :: Finished Loading Character Addons
2023-03-05 13:25:05.167 [INFO] :: Finished asset load (open): 0m 41.809s - /People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/Alexandra 8.duf
2023-03-05 13:25:06.227 [INFO] :: Unlocking viewport redraw...
2023-03-05 13:25:06.227 [INFO] :: Viewport redraw unlocked.
2023-03-05 13:25:06.291 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:25:06.293 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:25:06.753 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8LegsD_1003.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:06.901 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8EyesD_1006.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:07.204 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8ArmsD_1004.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:07.380 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8MouthD_1005.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:07.707 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8FaceD_1001.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:08.013 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8TorsoD_1002.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:08.077 [INFO] :: Loaded image: Alexandra8Eyelashes_1001.jpg
2023-03-05 13:25:08.107 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:25:08.109 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:25:08.112 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:25:08.114 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.726 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.728 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.733 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.736 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.747 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:13.750 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.406 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.409 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.418 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.421 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.434 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:47.437 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.472 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.474 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.479 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.480 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.483 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.484 [INFO] :: Loaded image: FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.486 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.488 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.490 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:48.492 [INFO] :: Loaded image: CTRLAlexandra8_HDLv4.png
2023-03-05 13:32:51.085 [INFO] :: Loaded morph deltas: 0m 0.23s - /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.dsf
2023-03-05 13:32:51.087 [WARNING] :: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
2023-03-05 13:32:51.087 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzmorphdeltas.cpp(806): Could not open HD file:
Even wiping out all your harddrives and starting with the installation of Windows, DS, all your DS assets etc. is not going to help with the old files, because they are still looking for characters and morphs in "Voluptuous Toned" folder, they do that because that is the place that is saved inside the scene file and inside the morphfiles saved in that folder.
From your log, I can see that you still have morphs inside "Voluptuous Toned Body" that should not be there - Why are they there, is because when you saved your own morph as a morph asset, you didn't pick just that morph and therefore DS saved every morph to your "Voluptuous Toned" folder, creating duplicate files out of which DS sometimes randomly picks the ones it loads.
You need to figure out, which files in the "Voluptuous Toned Body" folder are made by others and remove them from that folder if you don't want to remove the folder completely - Contents of that folder are the problem.
If you want to try fixing your old scene files, you need to open the scene file in a text editor and change any and all references to "Voluptuous Toned Body" to their correct location, and do the same with each and every file inside the "Voluptuous Toned Body" folder.
Example, the first path is saved inside your scene file or morphfile, the second is what it should be.
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous Toned Body/FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.dsf
/Data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Alexandra 8/FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.dsf
I am wondering if you used File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure/Prop Asset instead of saving presets or scenes/scene subsets at soem point, then worked from that.
Cant be bothered reading every little thing this person says, but is it just me, or do they just keeps saying "no can do" whenever you try to help them...
doesnt seem like very productive troubleshooting to me. Why even ask a question if you already know everything.
(pretty sure it doesnt matter whether an official Daz3D HD morph is in Voluptous Toned folder or in the proper Daz folder, Daz will still load it... which is why you delete it from Voluptuous Toned folder to allow it to be called from correct location. ) How hard is it to disconnect the offending Content Library and test this? It takes 5 seconds to right click remove content library, much easier than saying "no can do" repeatedly. Then report back any other errors.
Are you sure the /Alexandra/FBMAlexandra8_HDLv4.dsf morph wouldnt just be called correctly once the duplicate in the Voluptuous Toned Body folder has been removed? If not, then editing scene file in text editor would be easy solution.
However, in the past, when i removed blocking morphs, they subsequently load just fine from correct location.
Possibly, or they just highlighted every single morph when attempting to save a single morph asset. It's very easy to mindlessly tick the checkbox on the figure and end up saving duplicates of every morph on a figure, which is why i suggested that as source of issue. I did it once and saved duplicate of all my G8 morphs.
But then i just deleted them. Crisis averted.
If OP's own morphs are calling for that and it was saved while saving their own morph (with the path saved inside their own morph), then (not 100% sure) DS would still be looking for it in the "Voluptuous Toned Body" folder and complaining if not found there.
Having duplicated files in the content library can be a pain in the behind, I found quite many when I was wondering why some morphs were activated every second time I opened a scene.
After digging into the problem, I found several products that had included DO morphs and other PA's morphs in their folders and DS was choosing them in random. Once I removed the misplaced morphs, the odd behaviour stopped - That does speak in favor of removing the duplicate morphs from "Voluptuous Toned Body" being enough.
Edit: Duplicated files is not about files with the same filename, but about files that have the same ID/Name/Label within the code inside the file.
Sounds logical, but how do you tell the file WHERE to look for the missing files? Where to look for the correct folder?
I created that morph early on and no one told me that little detail. Also why would DS be doing anything random? That doesn't sound right to me.
Yes, I agree. But as I said, I have a bunch of Genesis 8 Female characters that will not work without that folder. As you said, they ARE pointing to morphs that shouldn't be there. So I would assume the goal is to get the characters to point to the correct folder, but as I said, I don't know where they are supposed to go, or how to go about doing this.
Have you tried that? I have opened a .duf file in a text editor and it doesn't work. All I get is a bunch of jibberish. Nothing legible.
Yeah, like I said, opening the .duf file in a text editor just yeild jibberish.
No, I am saying "no can do" because I have already done it. I have deleted the Voluptuous Toned folder and the program DIDN'T load it from the correct location. Heck if I knew how to tell each and every figure where to load it from, then I would do that. But since I have no idea where the correct folder is, I can't do that. As an experiment, I had added "old" to the Voluptuous Toned folder and when I load up a genesis 8 character that I have created, it bounced back a message listing the files it cannot find.
It isn't hard, but you weren't listening when I said this was something I had already done.
Well, in this case I had deleted all references to Alexandra in the Voluptuous Toned folder AND Alexandra 8 and her HD add-on. I rebooted my machine, and then reloaded Alexandra 8 and her HD add on. THAT worked! So I have her back now. Naturally I tied the same thing with the Genesis 8 head morph package and I wasn't so lucky there...
That isn't the case here. As I said above, I had temporarily prevented access to the Voluptuous Toned folder, and the characters DID NOT bounce back to the correct location. I just get a bunch of errors saying it cannot find the file.
Doing some more work with the folder temporarily blocked off, I did the same as I did with Alexandra, I deleted the Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs package and reinstalled it. Now I managed to get some of my morphs working that didn't before and I was able to restore a few of my older (by appearance) characters. Also the morphs work with a fresh load of a straight up Genesis 8 Female character. So that is a plus there. However, there are a great number of characters that I am loading up that are complaining that they cannot reference the Voluptuous Toned folder.
It seems like those characters are in need of help to find where the correct folder is and that is where I need help. How can I tell an existing .duf character file where to find the missing morphs? Where can I find the correct morphs?
I believe if I can answer those questions, then I may not have to do a reinstall of Daz on my system.
It does work if the Scene is open at same time as you delete them. Then when resave it will call morph from correct location (correct = the path Daz3D installer installs to). But if you have many old scene files, this could be annoying method to fix them all like this
Best method suggested was probably editing the .duf files, since you can do many quickly.
If you uncompress (using winzip or 7zip or whatever) the scene .duf file you will be able to edit it in simple text editor like notepad. Then, after you edit it, I believe you can rename as .duf for daz to be able to open it again.
You can probably do batch find/replace of the erroneous data path within each .duf file - see previous posts about erroneous vs correct data path. If need to find correct path for given morph, just search your Daz3D Content directory for the morph name to find its path.
My suggestion:
Just make sure when editing path in text editor that you pay attention to backwards vs forward slash etc and make everything conform to correct convention. You can see the format of the code structure and how other pathways are referenced within the duf file to see what convention is.
So, would I have to reinstate the Voluptuous Toned folder, load the scene, then temporarily remove the folder and the scene / character should revert back to the original (and correct) path? Then I would save it? So for each scene I would have to reinstate the Voluptuous Toned folder, load the scene then temporarily remove the folder?
That would seem pretty tedious.
I have 7Zip on my machine and I tried this out. While it MOSTLY works, there is still quite a bit of jibberish, but at least I can read much of it. I opened one of the scene files in 7zip and then did a search for the infamous Voluptuous Toned folder files. First, the file takes a LONG time to fully load into Wordpad. (I don't have Offfice or Word). The entries look like this:
"parent" : "#geometry-9",
"channel" : {
"id" : "value",
"type" : "float",
"name" : "Value",
"current_value" : -9.396279e-10
"region" : "Ears",
"group" : "/Real World"
"id" : "PHM-FWSAKhloeEars",
"url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous%20Toned%20Body/PHM-FWSAKhloeEars.dsf#PHM-FWSAKhloeEars",
"parent" : "#geometry-9",
"channel" : {
"id" : "value",
"type" : "float",
"name" : "Value",
"current_value" : -1
"region" : "Ears",
"group" : "/Stylized"
"id" : "PBMWristSize",
"url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous%20Toned%20Body/PBMWristSize.dsf#PBMWristSize",
"parent" : "#geometry-9",
"channel" : {
"id" : "value",
"type" : "float",
"name" : "Value",
"current_value" : -0.5
"region" : "Hands",
"group" : "/Real World"
"id" : "PBMUpperArmsSize",
"url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/jukingeo/Voluptuous%20Toned
So you can see it still has some "hyroglyphics" (erroneous % and other odd characters { here and there).
There is also ALOT of entries. So I don't see how this method is easier than the other way. Further I don't know where the correct folder is for...lets say PBMUpperArmsSize above to correct the issue.
It does look a bit tricky. Accidentially deleting something could possibly corrupt the whole file, huh?
I mean, I will give it a shot, but it looks like it will take a very long time just to fix one scene. Granted, I probably will not fix each and every scene where a certain character appears in. Once I have a "Good" copy of that character, I can just delete the corrupted one and put the good one in it's place.
Well, thanks for your help so far. But if you could clarify the first method more, perhaps that might be easier for me.
Edit: I tried the first method by loading up a figure that was dependent on the Voluptuous Toned folder, then I removed the folder (by changing the name to Voluptuous Toned_ Old) and then saving it. Then I reloaded the figure and sadly, I was getting all sorts of missing files looking for the Voluptuous Toned folder. I was kind of doubtful that removing the folder with the scene open would work as the .duf files would still save with the references to the Voluptuous Toned Folder.
I guess there is no easy way out. I would have to edit each and every entry in each and every figure. While I did find out that the main morphs I use are from the Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs package and it's files start with PHM, but I don't know where the correct files are. There isn't a PHM folder in the morphs folder for Genesis 8 female. More than likely I would guess you would have that package and perhaps you could pull up one of your figures that you used that package on and it should say what the correct path is.
No sorry :( I wont answer this because there is a better alternative, it will be too complicated for you.
I have tested it several times and it worked for me.
you should be using notepad or other basic text editors which are used for editing code. I dont think you can use wordpad, because thats nota basic text editor - it is a WYSIWYG type editor with formatting and so on.
No there is nothing wrong with that. "%20" just means space. You should have seen that millions of times in web URLs...
Awww that sounds terrible. Well, you only need to change the ones that have errors.
See attached for example for how to find path.
Well as long as you dont save over your scene file after opening it, it will continue to spit out the errors to indicating what is missing. And you can fix missing morphs as per above process. So... dont see what the risk is.
Wouldnt it only take like 1 minute max per missing morph? Search, copy path, paste path, fix text. You never gave any indication about how many missing morph errors you were seeing, so i assume that the amount is manageable.
You only have to do this once when you need to open an old scene. I cant imagine that's too often.
That's a good hack.
Try me
Well, it works some of the time, but it doesn't take care of all the morphs all the time. ...At least in my case it doesn't.
Yes, and that therein lies a problem. Without the formatting the text is all over the place and entries are hard to make out. Could I edit it in Wordpad and then put it in notepad to save it?
I actually rarely come across a % sign in a web URL.
Yes, it is. You are under the impression that I only have trouble with a few morphs, huh? (see below)
As I said above, so you are thinking I am only having problem with a few morphs? Well, guess again, it is more like 30 to 50. So giving your example of a minuite per morph, I am looking at about 30 to 50 minutes per character...and that is also per scene as I do have characters that reoccur. Granted, once I get a character fixed, I could save the body shape and then apply that to the character in subsequent scenes. However, I do have a at least 200 (give or take) Genesis 8 female characters.
Yeah, It is also a lesson learned to save a shape preset for any important characters. But the biggest tip was to bite in the sour apple and remove the Voluptuous Toned folder. I was under the impression that Daz stopped using it after I moved it in 2020. Well, even though it didn't change the morphs since then, it was STILL referencing the folder up until now. So when I put it back after I deleted and caused this issue in the first place, I was inadvertently damaging my newer characters too since it was still referencing the Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs from the Voluptuous Toned folder. But now that I removed it and that package and reinstalled it, it has put it in the right place, and I had noticed that many of my HD morphs had been restored.
You can do whatever you want, not guaranteeing it will work nor be efficient. There are other basic text editors out there besides notepad. Many people use Notepad++
Oh no, not 30 minutes. There will likely be recurring patterns with the paths for morphs and therefore should be able to just find & replace that portion for those with the same root path.
Notepad++ is better then? I wasn't aware there was a + version. At any rate, I had discovered that the scene reversion in which the characters adjustments go back to the original location, seems to be working, but again not all the time. The good news is that I have made several scenes for the characters that I have used the most. And in that case, I can quickly find out which settings didn't revert back. Many times only a couple of the settings are off. So I just go back and fix those settings and resave the scene and that fixes it. It still is a lot of work, but an easier way of doing things. For one off characters, then I would have no choice but to use the text editor method.
Yes, there is. It seems that the characters are mostly affected by the presence of the Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs package in the Voluptuous Toned folder. But since I have renamed that folder, uninstalled and reinstalled the package, supposedly putting it back where it should be, a great number of issues have corrected themselves. At least it seems that way. However, even with my renaming the Voluptuous Toned folder so the morphs are not accessed by the scenes, the actual morph is STILL present under the Parameters tab.
Many times though, I have found that a root or base character that I have used, doesn't apply itself when Daz can't find it. A big one is the Khloe character, which I almost always use for creating fairies. This one, Daz cannot find. But more times than not, I usually have the setting up all the way on that one and I just go back in to find the character morph and dial it in. (It always reverts back to 0).
Another question I have is that if a morph does revert back to the original location, why is it still spewing out an error message, in the log, saying it cannot find it?
For one off characters that I have not posted on-line yet, I just go back and redo the settings on them and many times I end up making a better version of what they were. So while that takes longer, the character ends up being better!
Well, thanks for your help. While I am not 100% there, at least I got more than half of my figures back in order. You, as well as others here have stopped me from doing something stupid and reinstalling Daz on my system. So I am happy I don't have to go through that.
Hello, I have had this same problem for a while. several years ago I tried creating a custom morph and made the same mistake. Now those custom morphs have infected every character I save as scene subset.
Like the OG poster, when I delete the problem folder all my characters come with missing morphs. Below is an example of new G8 figure with Hourglass morph and then the figure after being saved as scene subset with the same morph now asking to come from the custom morph I made years ago. the file also changes from the original author "P3Design" to my moniker "PhoenixCreed" as highlighted.
Ideally I'd like to get Daz3D to pull the morph from it's original location and stop pulling it from the custom morph. hopefully without having to delete the problem custom morph file and then having to redesign my entire cast.
I've attached a 3rd image showing the error report when the custom morph folder has been deleted.