creating a mirror in 3Delight

I am interested in doing something simialr to this thread: ;


 I have a slow computer and using LRay is difficult  for me. I would like to be able to assign a lighting model to a primitive object like a cube so that i can follow the  instructions in that thread. It looks like at least one of the  people there is using a primitive object with a lighting mode, but i dont know how to assign a  lighting model to a primitive object.  Is this an older feature no longer available?  I know I have seen lighting models before for placeables like clothes, hair, and so on, but I dont know if its possible to add that feature to a primitive object.  All I could think of would be to take a placeable and reduce it to just a triangle and then magnify to the size I want, but Im hoping there's another way.


Thank you,




  • Lighting Model is a setting for the Daz Default shader, it determines how specularity and SSS are handled. If you create a new primitive with 3Delight set as the current render engine (Edit or advanced tabs of Render Settings) then it will use that shader. Other 3delight shaders don't use the setting as they give diect access to controls that do the same job.

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