(SOLVED) Downloaded Daz Studio 4, No Serial code?

I have previously downloaded Hexagon 2 (around 3 months ago) I was presented with my serial codes page with the serial code there, but when I just downloaded Daz Studio 4.5, It did not register with my account nor was there a serial code in the ZIP file. I was not logged in at the time, but I retried the download with my account logged in, No Serial code :/
I don't want to have to deal with the Please insert Serial Code here screen upon every launch.
Am I missing something (other than the code)?
Post edited by Spanda on
Did you download it from the store here on Daz3D from this page http://www.daz3d.com/shop/daz-studio-4-pro? If not I have been advised to suggest that you download it from that page.
If you did then if could be down to this http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/6140/#78773
I downloaded it again from the link you provided, Worked like a charm! I downloaded the Daz3D Studio Pro 4 from:
http://www.daz3d.com/products/daz-studio/daz-studio-what-is-daz-studio - That is most likely the reason why I did not recieve the serial code upon download.
Nice, thanks for reporting back Spanda and welcome to Daz3D too. :)
Can you do us a favour and edit your first post and add {SOLVED) to the end of the title please.
All done :)
Thanks for your help and your warm welcome :)
My pleasure but more thanks should go to chohole for the advise. :) Have fun learning Daz Studio.
EDITED TO ADD. Thanks for doing the edit and adding Solved. :) :coolcheese:
Thanks. Downloaded it again through http://www.daz3d.com/shop/daz-studio-4-pro and the S/N appeared.
Our pleasure. :)