
gregory mgregory m Posts: 99
edited August 2012 in The Commons

I am the ownly one member of DAZ commity can't log into DAZ using my desk top, I have all ready asked to these people to check for this problem HP the one made computer, the internet provider and Nortan alll of them can't fine why this happening ms at this time is still working on this problem. I am to log into DAZ now because I am using my lap at wi fi hot spot or latter I be using library computers. I am usings Internet explorr 9 and Windows 7 the library is using XP pro and internet explorer 6. HP, Nortan, MS, my internet provider have remotly taken over my computer so nthey personly check out my computer by their selfs. So if you have troubles with the internet I like trade

Post edited by gregory m on


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039
    edited December 1969

    I had all kinds of problems useing IE trying to log into the forums,I'd be able to log into the store but not the forums,I could only lurk.I am now useing FireFox and not haveing any problems ,you might try switching browsers ,just to see if that helps.

  • gregory mgregory m Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    Your idea is good one as I am writing this reply I am using my lap top at a local McDonald's wifi contection this lap is using windows 7 and internet explorer 9 like my desk top latter I will go to the library and use their computers they use windons xp pro and they use internet explorer 6 they all able to log into my daz account. but my desk computer. See my problem drive me up the wall and just less ten days ago my desk top compurer can log into daz accounts.

  • gregory mgregory m Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    here any piece of problem I have after down load programs from daz some programs one still get some information on that program that you have go back into daz to that information to download it(TEXT FILES). This problem login into daz I have does not block me from getting that infromation on those programs I just down loaded

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I am assuming that you meant to post this as a reply in your existing thread, so I am merging it with that thread for you.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039
    edited December 1969

    Greg I'm guessing that english isn't your native language ,it's mine and I still have issues .What is the language you are most comfortable with? and maybe we can get someone to pop in here and clear things up better also have you tried contacting the help desk?? They really do help .

  • gregory mgregory m Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    Since I was born have some problems one is my skill in writing is not best normaly it takes me day or two write a letter
    Now to say thank to all who writen to me to help with my problem logging into daz account. After two days of support from MicroSoft support the problem was found it was my desk top interal clock was not correctly set once set I able log into my Daz account. So a simple solution can fix a problem

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039
    edited December 1969

    Glad to hear that the problem got figured out for you so you can enjoy this addiction with the rest of us !! My biggest problem is since I learned to talk I haven't yet figured out how to NOT stick my foot in my mouth!! Oh well goes on .Take care ,have fun ,and I'll talk at you again sometime.:cheese:

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