Fitting clothing questions for D4...

Boy, am I dumb.....
I read that a feature of D4 would allow me to have cloths fit to the figure... is that right?
And where do I find it?
Because I was having to re-adjust the clothing after I posed the character...... with much frustration, such as poke through.
Yes, I am embarrassed.... have compassion and don't laugh... too hard..... :(
Do you mean DS4? If so, select the clothing and use the Fit to button in the parameters pane, or right-click on the clothing and select Fit to from the menu.
Thank you, Richard.
Yes, D4. I never saw this before. This will make life easier.
Hi there,
Additionally know that, in most cases, if you have Genesiselected before you double click the clothing icon, to load it, DS will assume you want that clothing fit to Genesis and automatically apply it. That saves some time not having to right click and select "Fit to."
And if you drag the clothing from a content pane onto Genesis it will fit itself, even if it wouldn't have with a double-click.