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Looks nice, but I'll delay purchasing unless there are real animal morphs: various antelope species such as impala, springbok, et al to populate my African savannas and a few Indian breeds for my tigers and leopards to stalk. Zebra and other wild breeds would also be appreciated. Heck, maybe even male and female wild sheep such as bighorn or mouflon. Not really interested in more fantasy/ scifi creature morphs.
Question for anyone who bought Sleipnir: with the Fore and Hind Leg geografts in place, are you limited to just the textures that ship with Sleipnir, or can you use other horse textures as well? Do the other textures map to the geografts?
(I'm expecting the answer to be 'no', but I could be pleasantly surprised).
i bought DAZhorse 3 mega bundle , some extra poses (very bad ones), some extra materials but seriously i think DAZHorse2 will stay my best model,my best material and poses
I've ridden a few times too, but I prefer just visiting and feeding them treats. I can remember once a horse got into the trunk of my mom's car with his muzzle and preceded to eat most of the trunk full of apples she had picked.
1st time I ever got on a horse was bareback and I didn't know that it had been a former race horse and that I shouldn't dig my legs into his ribs to hold on to the horse. Sitting bareback that high is sort of scary if you've not been properly trained. As soon as I dug my legs into that horse he shot off like a cannon and ran the closest thing to a race track circuit he knew of in that area he was retired too. We went through pasture, bound over a creek, twice, through woods, all while I was ducked below the crest of his head holding on for dear life and trying to avoid being whacked by tree branches in the woods neck of the route. When he finally did come to the home stretch he stopped on a dime from a full sprint at the location he considered the finish line, it did make an oval track shaped route so I guess he was right, and that was a spot for car parking by the yard. That's when my vice grip on his ribs with my legs was no longer enough as I was catapulted from his back and over his head. I landed like a cat about 4' or so foot in front of him on all fours. My hands hurt though as they landed with a bit of force on big gravel in the parking place and were left with gravel imprints on parts of the palms and fingers.
@nonesuch00 Yikes! Make a render (or a few renders) of that experience.
Honestly, you guys pointed out some things about H3 I'd overlooked. That said, the deep, deep discounts on Horse 2 products I really wanted make it worth the buy. Hope they sort thoe technical issues out in future.
Looking at H3 made me look more at H2, and I really dont see an advantage to buying the H3 stuff. In the field, on the road, riding through town, etc etc, its a horse, of course. I have H2 Pro bundle, plus other stuff I've already purchased, including poses, etc, so that should be enough..along wiht a ton of textures including the two iray products. It works for what I do. The only thing, buying thos H3 bundles does allow for some decent deals.... and having purchased it pr over Christmas, I got the 1 free item, 20$ off a GC, and 50% off coupon, which will come in handy. The only bad is DAZ does not give an expiration date, so it pushes you to use it quick. I can get as much as 86% off though on some pretty decent products. Nothing from my WL is on sale unfortunately, so its just more spent no matter how this goes down.
I don't know if this is quite the right place to put this, but I must say I do like the Sleipnir bundle a lot, and I've actually decided to buy it. It adds something new to my horse pool as I didn't have that kind of morph before, and there's also textures, interesting effects and a long, flowy mane included. Also, it's the cheapest of the bundles (horse itself is not included). Maybe it's an option for others who have the horse 3 as well, and who are on the fence like me about the whole thing.
The answer is yes, with some caveats. The geografts needed the seams painting where they join the horse for the Sleipnir materials, and there is some variation in the UV maps. But you can apply most Horse 3 materials straight to the Geograft legs, even the L.I.E. presets.
No render, just a photo. I miss horses. My hubby owned horses and rode them frequently before he got injured at work.
I wish I was getting something offered in all those Horse categories as an incentive. Unfortunately, I've long since bought most of the Horse 2 and 1 products in the store, so I've yet to open one of those categories and actually see a product I don't have... something I suspect is true for a lot of those who've been doing horse renders.
Yeah, generally I find that these deals have an annoying habit of expiring the minute the orange banner offer goes down, if not before that. In other words, I wouldn't count on that 50% off coupon still working tommorrow.
Great pic, looks like an awesome day. Sorry to hear about your husbands injury. There is something special about horses.
My turn .. A photo of one of my boys. I had high hopes for this guy, but stuff happened. I no longer have any horses and I miss them too.
You know, I've been trying to place why H3's bug-eyed face looks so familiar and I finally placed it.
Thanks. I'm not sure which he loved better,horses or cars. We loved things that moved fast until life slowed us down to a snails pace.
Well said. Stuff happens. . . but we do get past it . . . eventually. I first fell in love with horse when I was 14. Wild ones. I fed them apples. And envied them more than one can imagine. Lots of love for all kinds of 4 legged creatures.
The horse 3 looks odd to me to be honest, and the poses don't seem natural. The legs and the way it balances seem off.
I just bought the Horse 3 and have played with it for about 3 minutes (really). The neck length is better than 2 (pose them both "grazing"). The legs on 3 look better at first glance - this one
is not back at the knee (it's a leg fault of horses) and his bone's better. Anyway, I'm going to introduce him to MODO and see what happens :) I don't regret buying it and have hope :)
**edit** I think the problem with the rear end is twofold: the rear cannon bone is too long (the horse has a joint that makes its rear cannon look longer than it is - part of that length is the joint
itself and modelers don't take that into consideration (they probably don't know). Secondly there's no option for him to let down his butt on one side only (if there is I can't find it). If you watch a horse relaxed, he'll sometimes take his weight off one of his back legs which will cause that side of his butt to lower a bit.
Take this with a grain cause I've only done a less than cursory look, but I think the poses themselves might be just as much a problem. He doesn't look
that bad to me and I'm going to play with it in MODO and ZBrush and see what happens (like a miracle *g*)
I haven't played around with it yet but it seems like if you made the eyes darker and lowered the eyelid (I hope there's a close eye morph!) I think it would look a lot better. Right now it kind of reminds me of Bojack Horseman with that wide-eyed look (great show BTW on Netflix if you haven't seen it.)
I've seen a lot of pics of, particularly, barrel horses going all out around a barrel and at the same time they're watching what's going on
on their other side (they see 2 pictures right and left) and their eyes look like that :)
I think Daz Horse 3 shares the same problem with Genesis 9. All-uniform-quads topology does morph and sculpt better, but requires extra ton of correctives to bend and pose better.
Hey, yes, @barbult, that would be a good animation learning exercise with the new DAZ Horse 3. I'd have to export to Blender & render in Eevee to ever finish in the 21st century!
Also, the apple incident was funny and only dented up and scratched up a car trunk.
Wow, is that California?
So, when do we get some comments regarding the mane that comes with the Sleipnir morph? That is definitely not the one that came with the default horse.
Speaking of manes, they're showing white manes with white horses, but I don't see any files to change it. Is this a job for Colorwerks or am I missing something?
Has anyone been able to get the Western Horse Tack for Daz Horse 3 to fit the Thoroughbred morph. It has hidden morphs that get dialed in automatically when fit to the Thoroughbred, but the reins are not properly positioned. They do not connect ot the bit rings and they intersect the saddle.
Here is the basic Daz Horse 3 with the Thoroughbred morph dialed in. The same errors happen if I load the tack on the Thoroughbred model.
I found if you load the tack parts seperately instead of using the "load all" preset, then they fit the bit properly
Is it me or is the horn on that saddle teeny tiny? It's been years since I've used one, but I seem to remember the horn being about twice the size.
You can get some styles of Western saddles that have smaller horns than others, but generally not that tiny mounted on a big thick pommel. The back ( cantle) also looks too tall and upright as most designs have a more slopped cantle making for a more comfortable seat. But I have seen photos of saddles with more upright cantles. Also most western saddles have a one piece fender ( the bit between the seat and the stirrup) and a wodden stirrup wrapped in leather- not a metal one. Lastly, the main girth ( front cinch) is too far forward and too small.
Thinking the same thing. I think the overall quality of that tack is lacking