How can I have D-formers effect clothing while using them for skin?

[How can I have D-formers effect clothing while using them for skin?] Just wondering if this is possible without having to make two seperate d-formers. Any and All help is appreciated
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
If you are talking about pressure morphs, like the indentation of skin because of clothing, no. You will need a deformer for both. A deformer only affects the object or figure it is applied to. You might be able to achieve this effect with a smoothing modifier and collision thouigh
Even after dealing with Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you wanting to have a single dForm affect both figuer and clothing? If so then select the clothjing item and in the dForm pane click Add Node(s), then select the dForm in the dialogue box that opens.
This is exactly what I needed thank you!.