Repositioning Multifigures

Okay, after several fruitless 'searches' thru the forums I have to ask another 'noobie' question.
I've spent the last couple of hours posing 2 figures but now I need to move/reposition them.
How can I 'group' (for lack of a better word) them? I would like to be able to move them together as one unit.
There has to be a way, I just haven't discovered it.
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions/responses.
You can parent them together. Open the scene tab and select "Genesis and drag it underneath the other and they will be parented
Thanks....the 'parenting null' worked.
Just a dumb question: what is a "null" and how do I create it in DS?
Create Menu, New Null. It's just a Place in your scene used for things like just mentioned. Then you can move and rotate ect..