House cat fur hair troubles.

in New Users
Ok so i was happy to see the House cat on special this morning so i bought it.
With no fur i think its still quite ok. even in CU.
I've been trying to add fur and i must say i have no Gforce card at the moment.
So am i kaput in the results because the results im getting are quite unsatisfactory in terms of the hair color. Even when i add the same color like orange i still get dark hair. I saw stuff about the line width and the tessalations adjustements but there is still 150 more parameters in surfaces and ...well i havent a clue. Like i said its probably not rendering correctly because of the lack of Gforce.
thanks for any help folks.
Lack of GPU doesn't affect the coloring of the hair, only how quickly you can render it. dForce hair is just a different beast in terms of shading, and there's a bit of a learning curve to what parameters do what.
I even render them in Filament on my other PC without a GPU (just integrated OpenCL graphics)
it needs PBR enabled and line tesselation 3 but is textured unlike 3Delight