Daz 4.5 Standard??

I downloaded the new DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro, and I noticed that after I launch it, up in the top left of the window where it says the name of the application, it says, DAZ Studio 4.5 Standard. I thought this was supposed to be the Pro edition. Anybody know what's up? Thanks!
Have you entered the Pro serial number? There are a few people for whom it doesn't seem to work, and that has been reported, but in most cases that will unlock the extra features.
Well, I don't really know. I had DS 4.0 before, the free version that was available that I downloaded and installed just last week. I used whatever serial number I had from that. Then I just installed the newer 4.5, and it didn't have anywhere for me to go and put in the new serial number, it just started right up. Is there someplace I can go in the program to enter the new serial number I got? On "My Serial Numbers" page, I've got a serial number for both DS4.0 and 4.5, and they are both listed as being "PRO" (SDZSPRO-.........) Thanks!
Help>Register DAZ Studio should let you enter your serial number.
OK, I'll try that later when I can get back to my computer. Thanks!
We discovered that there was a problem with the Serial Numbers generated for DAZ Studio 4.5. We are in the process of updating the SN's in your account to the new working Pro, SN's.
You should expect a new SN in your account that looks like the following: SDZSPRO-040-xxxxx
The old one had a 045, and will allow the Standard edition to run. But with the one we will place in your account, it will activate Pro.
Sorry for the problem, but we will have it resolved very quickly.
EDIT: Nevermind...I'm a dork. LOL
Thanks for the speedy solution! :)
I found the new serial code in my account, after inputting the code and restarting DS, it worked. Thank you!