What are your solutions for Daz to Unity hair?

Most Daz hair seems way too high-poly for realtime applications like Unity. Another issue is that most hair also isn't rigged. This means that you can't do movement simulations on it, which makes the scene look very static.
I tried rigging and weight painting the hair myself, but it usually doesn't turn out great. I can usually decently enough weight paint a figure, but hair is a beast I'm not able to tame. The high poly also makes the process slow and laggy and selecting/painting over individual strands is a pain.
I also tried decimating the hair in blender and manually removing strands where hair is thickest, to bring the poly count down to passable levels, but the hair I tried this on often resulted in bald spots.
I'm wondering if this is an issue for you as well and how you deal with it. Do you maybe have a list of "Unity-friendly" hair assets? Or did you figure out an efficient workflow to fix the problem yourself?
Or did you just give up and only use very short/tied up hair with low poly count, usually meant for Genesis 2/3? :)
Some hair is more like blendshapped adjustments. There is also several kinds of hair in unity, you will best to try and stay with exporting just the card based ones.
Here is an example of a Daz character with Daz hair, clothing and animation in Unity HDRP.
You can decimate daz hair, with mixed results. Some of the lower gen hair might work. I'm still figuring this out too.
Hair made with large patches can be well rendered in Unity, and it is better to replace Shader with Transparent support.
I use PolyFew from the UAS to LOD/reduce Daz hair, and then Magica Cloth 2 (65k vert. limit hence PolyFew) to get it moving. Works great most of the time. DForce hair doesn't work unfortunately.