Demon Legs Morph for Genesis 9

Heya, folks! I finally got my demon character Innalech mostly ported over to G9, so I'm throwin' his feets out here. I'm still very nervous about sharing stuff, and this is nowhere near perfect, but I figured if it was me I'd want it anyway. Please let me know if there are any errors and I'll do my best to fix them!
- I recommend locking the bend dial on the foot and toe bones before applying poses, and then unlocking them afterward for adjustments. The character will basically be standing like they're wearing high heels--except their foot is about as long as their forearm--so locking will help prevent distortions. It's fixable with posing if it happens, it's just annoying.
- This morph has very little impact above the shin, if any, because I wanted it to be usable with multiple body morphs. It looks more balanced with some weight and/or muscle mass in the thighs.
- Knee bends at more than 120% or so will put the entire shin inside the thigh. I think it would take a custom bend morph to correct and I'm not confident enough to try that yet.
- Full-body character morphs will change the shape of the hooves if they have a unique foot shape. This usually isn't super noticeable, but you can see it some in the character with the teal and red legs above.
- This morph was made for my version of demons as a fantasy species, so while I used animal legs as reference they're not really intended to be accurate to any particular type of real thing.
- If you want to use it as part of a character for sale or free at all just throw me credit in your ReadMe or something and we're good. There should be more demons. Also show me your demons because I want to see them. :V


Ring's Demon Legs.rar
Post edited by plasma_ring on
Awesome this could also be very good for a Sater or other half goat creature.
Thank you very much and here is a demon.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you like them!
I'd definitely like to see more characters like that! The first thing I tried to do when strand-based hair came out was try to make a fur preset for HFS Ultimate Morphs legs, but unfortunately I could never get it to look right.
AWESOME, thank you so much for trying them out and sharing your work! :D
Populating a planet with various clans of satyrs/minotaurs (considered as phenotypes of one species), so cloven-hoof morphs are always welcome!
Thank you for sharing! Looks great!
very nice, thanks
Thank you so much for this morph and the render of the gorgeous Innalech.
Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Here's the hooves, with MysticArtsDesign's faun hair (and baby hair) added.
So how do I use this? Do I need sometihng besides the DSF file?
The contents of the data folder in the zip goes in the data folder of your Daz. You will find the morph in shapes and/or parameters. There won't be any icon to look for, it's text only to find it and I think it's a slider though could be wrong, been a while since I used it.