Installing zip file for DS3 on Win XP ?

I just bought V3 Leather Boots, and the instructions that came with the zip files says:
Drag and drop ReadMe's and Runtime into your "My Library" folder. Daz Studio 3 users will want to merge with their "Content" folder. The default location for this is:
c:/Users/[your user name]/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio 3/Content
The screen caps looks like they're from Windows Vista or 7, but I'm running Windows XP so I don't see Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio 3/Content.
Anyone else run into this problem and solved where the ReadMe's and Runtime are suppose to go for XP?
The download was successful because I have both the ReadMe's and Runtime files for V3 Leather Boots. The boots are simply just not appearing within Daz Studio.
Post edited by Graze on
I was very confused at first too about My Library and where to install with DS4. But I've found that it doesn't matter where the 'My Library' folder is on your PC - you can install to wherever that directory is and then point to it from DS via the Preferences Tab.I had mine installed in something like C:/Program Files/DS4/Studio/Content/My Library. The Runtime folder will go in My Library - when you install some content and choose your install location for My Library any runtime folders will be extracted into there.
Do not install content in to the Program Files folders. While it isn't a problem with XP the UAC in Vista and 7 will mess things up.
If you did a Default install of DS4 or DS4.5 you should have a My Documents/DAZ3D/Studio/My Library file structure. The Folder My Library is the content folder for DS4. It has a Runtime folder in it, that is where you Drop the content. I forget if XP has MERGE as a option. You do not want to replace that Runtime folder or put another one inside it, you want the folders from the UnZiped Item's Runtime folder inside the My Libraries Runtime folder in the exact same folders.
Finally got it installed. Thanks for all the input.
A lot more work to install than the old way, but at least I learned how things are organized in my Runtime folder and how that determines how things appear in my Content Tab when DS is running. Now I know how to do some customization and get things organized better.
Another question : The boots lack the appearance of leather texture that the promo pictures had. In the description for the boots, it states CR2s(P4 and PP), also 6 MAT Poses SPecifically Optimized for P5 . The Readme file also talks to the customer as if they're using Poser. Again I'm using DS3. Does this mean the leather texture does not work in DAZ Studio, or do I need to re-download and re-install?
It's likely that the leather is a procedural texture which only works in Poser. I think there are some free leather shaders for DS at