Files have gone missing from libary

I have a few products that no longer are available either in smart content or in the content library.  For example, I have female business suit which had always worked fine.  Now when I click on it, I get a bunch of icons with exlamation marks on them.  When I click on it, it says the file doesn't exist.  I have used the install manager and uninstalled them and reinstalled them, which made the few remaining files disappear.  Any suggestions?


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    First let's check the location that DIM is installing your content.

    Start DIM and click the "Installation" tab in the big box on the bottom it should list where all your stuff is getting installed.Default is "c:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz 3D Library"  .Remember this we going to need it later on.

    Now let's check where Daz Studio is looking for your stuff.

    Start Studio and press F2 or click Edit>Preferences on the tool bar.This will open the settings for studio.

    Click on "Content LIbrary" tab along the top.Now click the big button at the bottom of that page "Content Directory Manager" and it will open the panel to set your library location.

    Click the little plus signs near "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" to open them up and see where Studio is looking for your stuff.

    Both "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" need to be pointing to same folder.

    This is the part we had to remember from the DIM setup :)

    Are both formats looking in the same place that DIM installed your content?

    IF not, then you can "add" them by clicking on the format and selecting "add" from the left side panel.


  • areg5areg5 Posts: 617
    icecrmn said:

    First let's check the location that DIM is installing your content.

    Start DIM and click the "Installation" tab in the big box on the bottom it should list where all your stuff is getting installed.Default is "c:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz 3D Library"  .Remember this we going to need it later on.

    Now let's check where Daz Studio is looking for your stuff.

    Start Studio and press F2 or click Edit>Preferences on the tool bar.This will open the settings for studio.

    Click on "Content LIbrary" tab along the top.Now click the big button at the bottom of that page "Content Directory Manager" and it will open the panel to set your library location.

    Click the little plus signs near "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" to open them up and see where Studio is looking for your stuff.

    Both "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" need to be pointing to same folder.

    This is the part we had to remember from the DIM setup :)

    Are both formats looking in the same place that DIM installed your content?

    IF not, then you can "add" them by clicking on the format and selecting "add" from the left side panel.

    Well, it didn't come to that.  I reset the database then reimported metadata.  I guess there was a hiccup with the last update.  Thanks for the suggestions.

    icecrmn said:



  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    You're welcome

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The Products and Categories in the Content Library use CMS and the database just like Smart Content. if you had used the DAZ or Poser format options you would have seen your content was still available.

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