Pose Genesis Figures in Carrara

I've got Mr. Hyde loaded in Carrara and I spent a lot of time building the shaders using the texture maps. Now I want to pose Mr. Hyde using the pose presets that came with it. Unfortunately they don't show up in Carrara as shown in the first image. Poses for Basis Male (the second image), Basic Female and Basic Child all appear in the Carrara browser in the Smart Content tab, but not Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde is installed in the same library as the rest of the content and works fine in Studio 4.5 (as shown in the third image). Does Mr. Hyde content need to be updated for it to work properly in Carrara? Is that the problem?
Ok. Now Studio can export poses as DUF files that I'm assuming Carrara can read. I've been able to export a posed Mr. Hyde from Studio and import it into Carrara. Mr. Hyde is posed, but the textures don't come over. I suppose I could manually move the textures I built in Carrara to the imported Mr. Hyde. But I don't want to do that every time I apply a new pose. I tried posing Mr. Hyde in Studio and then exporting just the pose to a DUF (fourth image). I then select Mr. Hyde in Carrara and select File-> import and select the DUF file. Nothing happens. Does anyone know how to make this work?
Thanks in advance.

I do not have Mr Hyde but the poses for my other Genesis characters are also in content in my runtime and I can load them from there.
I use this free product
Poser Format Exporter
so you try saving a scene duf in DS with mr hyde in it
and it didn't load in Carrara with texture and pose
correct ?
Thanks Wendy,
I tried loading it from the DazStudio Runtime and it's also blank. I don't have any other purchased Genesis content so I can't tell if it's something wrong with the Mr Hyde files or my set up.
Not exactly. I load up Mr. Hyde in Studio, pose it and export as a DUF. I import it into Carrara and I get the Mr. Hyde morph and pose, but not the shaders. I've read other places in the forum that the Studio shaders don't translate correctly into Carrara. All I get is the green texture without the bump maps, displacement maps and specular maps.
Thanks for the info. I downloaded Poser Format Explorer and installed it. It's not showing up in my scripts. Does it work with Studio 4.5. I'm not a Studio user. Am I doing something wrong?
by looks of your browser, you have enable hidden enabled and are looking at Daz native content, you should be looking in Poser formats, many Genesis figures (not all and I do not have Mr H to confirm) also have poses there.
don't have mr hyde - but just did muck from DS to C - works fine
so don't know why mr hyde doesn't .
I actually have two Daz Studio folders one with a runtime and the other with native (?) content. The runtime only shows Daz Dragon and Stonemason content. None of my Genesis content like Mr. Hyde or Suopersuit show up there. Is it because they are in .dsa and .dsx format and not Poser format?
Is Muck a Genesis figure? Mr. Hyde is. Daz Supersuit does the same thing for my. Maybe I'm doing something wrong when I export.
yes muck is Genesis figure - you don't export you save as scene file ( duf )
just to add I can do muck in C - don't have to use DS .
I just did it as a test .
yes, only Poser format shows up in Carrara's content browser, I always do Poser downloads first given a choice, many things like the dream house I did not even download the studio files.
Sadly Hyde must only have studio poses so PFE script the other choice, does not matter where you put it, just drop it into studio from an open Windows explorer window if you cannot find it in your browser, remember to add .pz2 after the name of the pose
(if you give it a name, often does not add file extension or is that cr2 exporter, I forget!) or Carrara will not find it wherever you choose to save it in libraries/pose
Thanks. I agree. I alway download the Poser versions too. It gives me a lot more freedom of how I can organize my content. I guess the latest beta just isn't up to using Genesis content yet. I'm patient I can wait.
Thanks for the advice. I was able to get something to work. I saved Red Mr. Hyde from Studio and imported it to Carrara. Notice how I only got the color and none of the textures. I used Fenric's Pose Transfer to get my green Carrara version into the same pose.
I'm not sure why Muck works and Mr. Hyde doesn't. It must be the way the character was created.
are you telling me you don't use smart content in Carrara ?
I do use the smart content in Carrara. It's just that none of the Mat poses for Mr. Hyde show up in the smart content. That's why I have to manually build the shaders by finding the textures in the runtime.
I've just experienced much of my smart content not appearing in Carr. To test the new genesis compatibility in Carr I made a simple scene is Studio using the Aiden morph and textures, saved as .duf, loaded in Carr. Works quite well but there was some seam tearing when rendering. I thought I'd try and recreate the same scene inside Carr, but the Aiden morph/texture folder was empty. Same goes for a lot of other "smart content". Not sure why this is.
just wondering do you have the last version mr hyde - I know the first one didn't work well in DS - don't know when you got it
weird - all DS stuff show up for me in c .
Does seem a little strange, but all my SAZ products are behaving badly at the moment. Studio won't even render *le sigh*
I have the second version of Mr. Hyde. The first one wouldn't allow the pants to load. I'll reset my downloads to see if there's a newer one.
I do get the same sort of behavior from Daz Supersuit. I can load the geometry and the morphs, but the Material preesets just don't show up. Are there any free Genesis products I could try to see if it's something with my installation?
Genesis comes with a lot of stuff - try them all see what works for you
in Carrara .