Trouble installing simple packages

I am getting very frustrated here.
I have installed DAZ Studio 4.5 and purchased Kids4 Basic (for example).
When I went to install Kids4, the installer did not find any existing directories for me to choose. A bad sign. Following pattern for other installs, I selected my content directory, "My Library".
Unlike the default Genesis content, the package installed files to Runtime, adding subfolders Geometries and Libraries.
Starting up DAZ 4.5, I don't see the installed package in Smart Content and not in Content Library. The best I've been able to do is Import the cr2 file found in My Libraries\Runtime\Libraries\Character\DAZ People, but it is nearly useless.
I don't know what to do here.
PS: Some of my content directories show with exclamation marks in front of them. What is that supposed to mean?
In the Content Library, you have to choose Poser Formats > My Library > Figures > DAZ People, and you should see the Kids 4 figures.
The default Genesis content is in DAZ Studio Format unlike all of the previous figures created by DAZ 3D, which were in Poser format.
That explains so much. Thank you!
Now I am trying to figure out why facial expressions don't seem to be loading. I was disappointed to see no pose controls for facial expressions, but now I have a package of faces with Kids4. Eye colour changes work, but mouth and lip positions supposedly get loaded but do not alter the face at all.
What am I not doing?
Look in the Parameters tab for morph dials -- it doesn't always show up in the Posing and Shaping tabs.
Parameters tab has the usual under General: Translations, Rotations, Scale, Point At, Fit To. There is a new section called Morphs / Shapes, but it has only one slider called "Realistic".
The facial expressions are under a directory called Morph Injections\Base. I'm not clear on what a Morph Injection does, but I tried applying it anyway with the face selected. Still nothing.
Should the face changes become part of the model breakdown like clothing does? Because I don't see it there. I only see a breakdown for head, eyebrows, upper jaw, lower jaw, tongue. Nothing sophisticated enough to produce facial expressions.
When you apply the Expressions from the Poses folder, like Happy, Sad, Angry etc., they do not make any changes to the figure itself, but they add sliders to the Parameters tab for these morphs, so that you can choose the amount to apply yourself.
Make sure that the head is selected, and look in the Parameters tab as shown in the image below. See if that helps.
Well damn, that did it. I don't know how it eluded me for so long.
It has been a long time since I've used software with so little functional documentation (at least that has been accessible since I downloaded 4.02). I can only assume this tool was not meant for newbies to the area of poser.
Thank you, your help was a greater relief than you can know.