A Thread for Items with the "Editorial License"



  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,320

    Richard Haseltine said:

    columbine said:

    memcneil70 said:

    Already went there with https://www.daz3d.com/unforgettable-hd-for-genesis-9 and his add-ons. 

    Oh, yes, very true! I always forget he's under EL, especially since (going against their stated policy) I could have sworn he wasn't under EL for at least a short while after he was first released.

    I don't recal that being the case, unless it was on the day of release: there has been at least one case in which a mistaken license was corrected very soon after release but that really was very soon - within the first half-hour, I think.e the product in my cart

    Have had it happen three maybe four times where it changed after I placed the product in my cart

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,426
    edited June 23

    no one has mentioned it but M3D Game Plumber Textures Add-On For Genesis 9  https://www.daz3d.com/m3d-game-plumber-textures-add-on-for-genesis-9 Nintendo is very protective possessive of their IPs though the comedy videos of their characters have survived think spoofing is the one time you can get away with using copyrighted stuff

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 2,924
    edited June 23

    SW items remain in the store despite the reputation of Disney IP protection and lawyers. If anything happens, I'd be surprised. Either way, not our problem! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The annoyance, of course, is what others have said: I bought this item this morning and now it has EL. Time to return that item!

    Post edited by Torquinox on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,528

    BW Night Hero Spandex

    Fleet Commander Texture Add-On

    Interesting that the base outfit rather than the texture add-on gets the editorial license for the Night Hero Spandex.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,224

    I think there's a mix up in the license settings: usually the base outfit has standard license and the add-on is editorial.

    Beside we have been told previously that changing texture on an EL product would not make it "non EL", so having a "standard" add-on for an "editorial" outfit doesn't make sense.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,528

    Leana said:

    I think there's a mix up in the license settings: usually the base outfit has standard license and the add-on is editorial.

    Beside we have been told previously that changing texture on an EL product would not make it "non EL", so having a "standard" add-on for an "editorial" outfit doesn't make sense.

    The base outfit is exactly the X-Man Nightcrawler's iconic costume, so it definitely makes sense for the outfit itself to have an EL. If there was a mistake, it was in the PA including the EL texture in the base product.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,224

    Gordig said:

    Leana said:

    I think there's a mix up in the license settings: usually the base outfit has standard license and the add-on is editorial.

    Beside we have been told previously that changing texture on an EL product would not make it "non EL", so having a "standard" add-on for an "editorial" outfit doesn't make sense.

    The base outfit is exactly the X-Man Nightcrawler's iconic costume, so it definitely makes sense for the outfit itself to have an EL. If there was a mistake, it was in the PA including the EL texture in the base product.

    Good point.

  • theflarftheflarf Posts: 122

    Does there seem to be much more EL stuff coming out lately.

    And things/people that are clearly real/movie related, it seems G9 has really gone to this.

    (admittedly as someone who has long since given up on G9 no worries for me)

  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460

    Naturally, I have no personal problem with Star Wars themed items under Editorial License, but each to their own... I'm more bothered about the lack of sidearm (empty holster) and no headwear (although I think the character that "inspired" the uniform only wears a helm when wearing combat armour and doesn't wear a cloth cap when in dress uniform).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,766
    edited June 28

    ...I don't understand why the character doesn't have an EL as well, particularly as his shape and last name are identical to that of the Marvel Universe character (Kurt Wagner).  Marvel is also owned by Disney which is well known for being pretty sticky about their properties. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,528

    kyoto kid said:

    ...I don't understand why the character doesn't have an EL as well, particularly as his shape and last name are identical to that of the Marvel Universe character (Kurt Wagner). 

    Plausible deniability. Wagner 9 himself is just a guy (specifically, Loki), and all the details that turn him into Kurt are separate add-ons. The three-finger-two-toe morph belongs to the outfit, which does have the EL, everything else that makes a Nightcrawler is in the Demon Shape add-on (which, again, probably skirts the EL through plausible deniability).

    Marvel is also owned by Disney which is well known for being pretty sticky about their properties. 

    I was going to correct you that Disney owns Marvel Studios but not Marvel Comics itself, but apparently they bought the whole damn thing.

  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,110
    Gordig said:

    kyoto kid said:

    ...I don't understand why the character doesn't have an EL as well, particularly as his shape and last name are identical to that of the Marvel Universe character (Kurt Wagner). 

    Plausible deniability. Wagner 9 himself is just a guy (specifically, Loki), and all the details that turn him into Kurt are separate add-ons. The three-finger-two-toe morph belongs to the outfit, which does have the EL, everything else that makes a Nightcrawler is in the Demon Shape add-on (which, again, probably skirts the EL through plausible deniability).

    This would make sense if the non-editorial version of the outfit were the bundle item, and the editorial version an add-on. The color schemes are quite different, and if the promos were rendered with normal hands and boots, the outfit might not be that recognizable at a glance.

    I wasn't fond of the situation with "very closely inspired" items (or whatever you want to call them) in the bundles, but it was tolerable enough with the EL-restricted versions offered as separate add-ons - which were easily voted against "with our wallets" by simply not buying them. Now EL content feels very pushed - part of the bundle, forcing a more expensive purchase of separate items to avoid it, and overriding normal licensing options for the bundle as a whole.
  • My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 2,924

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    I don't think Disney cares. I'll be very surprised if anything changes. If we were talking about physical items, the situation might be different. 

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,320

    Torquinox said:

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    I don't think Disney cares. I'll be very surprised if anything changes. If we were talking about physical items, the situation might be different. 

    I don't know about that after all they sued a kindergarten school over the artwork on its wall that was drawn by the kids there

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 2,924

    Robert Freise said:

    I don't know about that after all they sued a kindergarten school over the artwork on its wall that was drawn by the kids there

    Physical artwork. Not right, but that's how it goes. And there is a reason I make the distinction, Perhaps at some point I'll be surprised. It hasn't happened yet.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,528

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    Is Disney even trying to protect the extended universe?

  • Gordig said:

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    Is Disney even trying to protect the extended universe?

    Admiral Thrawn isn't extended universe, he's now as canon as it gets after being the villain in two Disney+ TV series, Star Wars: Rebels (2014-18) and Ahsoka (2024).

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,528

    Ah, OK, I haven't been keeping up with Disney Star Wars.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,814

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    Gordig said:

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    Is Disney even trying to protect the extended universe?

    Admiral Thrawn isn't extended universe, he's now as canon as it gets after being the villain in two Disney+ TV series, Star Wars: Rebels (2014-18) and Ahsoka (2024).

    Obviously, "canon" is no longer a useful term in that camp. 

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 835

    I dont know if anyone else has noticed but 

    https://www.daz3d.com/the-haunted-mansion-for-ds-iray can be found at disney land Paris

    just a heads up a google image search of my render brought the origianl up first result.

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,426

    Robert Freise said:

    Torquinox said:

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    My, this is poking at The House of the Mouse with TWO sticks. Not only is there a Nightcrawler clone, but some of those sales page thumbnails look A LOT like one of the most popular Star Wars villains, Admiral Thrawn. Please tell me that white uniform isn't in the bundle? Sorry, I didn't bother to look at The product page.

    I don't think Disney cares. I'll be very surprised if anything changes. If we were talking about physical items, the situation might be different. 

    I don't know about that after all they sued a kindergarten school over the artwork on its wall that was drawn by the kids there

    I've read how teens/kids have gotten into trouble with Disney and Nintendo online before but artwork at  a kindergarten that's just not right

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