Most of the products released are not yet useful

I'm thinking that without a good selection of support morphs, many of the products being released are of limited use; I don't have the time to create all the morphs I need so rely on G2F items I currently have.


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    not useful for what generation? cause Zev will have some useful morphs for G3F eventually.


    also no need to make all the morphs you need at once. I make morphs as needed. to me many custom morphs are one time use for a particualar character or scene, so I don't even save them as support asset morphs most of the time. 

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Yeh, and sorry was talking about G3F; spent some time learning how to create them, but I find it time-consuming. I try and make them somewhat generic, but they usually work best with the uv I created them for, although small amounts can work generally.

    I am eagerly awaiting Zev's morhps, or anyone elses, for G3.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Everything in this business is time consuming. Don't give up. Develop your skills.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    Depends on the morphs you need to make. Morphs can be anything from quick an easy, to a project in their own right. Skill comes with time and practice. I like to use Zev's morphs for example, but I tend to surivive the last few generations with my own till his packs come out. And even after his packs come out there are random tings that come up where I go, "darn, nothing quite right for this!" Need to do it myself.

    Practice a bit here and there. Eventually it may click.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I'm pleased with what I've done; time wise, there just isn't enough available to do all I want. Still trying to find a tutorial that makes sense to me for exporting to blender. I much prefer blender to hexagon; it's about finding, sometime, the method that makes most sense.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    well the important thing with exporting/import is remembering the settings once you find them(or a guide). Scale is what usually mucks things up. 

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I find whatever I forgot is what messes it up

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    nicstt said:

    I find whatever I forgot is what messes it up. :D


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    Well you can save settings for some of the export/import options. Like when I export to DAE, I have a particular preset for that. Maybe you could make a preset? Not sure if all export settings have that option.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Well you can save settings for some of the export/import options. Like when I export to DAE, I have a particular preset for that. Maybe you could make a preset? Not sure if all export settings have that option.

    Oh? Didn't know about that; how's it work?

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015
    nicstt said:

    Well you can save settings for some of the export/import options. Like when I export to DAE, I have a particular preset for that. Maybe you could make a preset? Not sure if all export settings have that option.

    Oh? Didn't know about that; how's it work?

    Sadly not all the import/export tools in Daz let you save presets. Like you can't save presets with FBX, but you can for DAE and OBJ. For exporting just set up the settings as needed, than save preset. Then it will show up in the list going forward. The UI for each of the export options is they don't all look the same but I think you were using OBJ anyway. So here is a screen for that.

    Give it a better name than I did :) (Custom preset isn't very informative lol)

    You can do this for both Import and Export options. How you set it up is going to depend on what tools you use in between, and how you import/export out of them. Some programs have an export preset to get things into the right scale for Daz. So I tend to use that when possible.

    487 x 554 - 49K
    OBJ CUstom.png
    487 x 554 - 52K
    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Thx for that; I'm trying out zbrush trial; fortuneately there are no presets needed there.

    The learning curve is like trying to do a loop-the-loop in a helicopter. :)

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited August 2015

    I won't be bothering with G3F until at the very least there is the growing up product for it. I don't need 50 million 18 year old women to render lol. Also way more variety of clothes, will be sticking with G2F for the time being.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • dbtemdbtem Posts: 30

    Agreed.  The only reason I haven't switched to G3F is the lack of morphs.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Yeh they will make the models far more useful; thinking about the size (height) of Karen, and remembering that all Daz females are about the same height, I paid attention to the height of all the women I saw yesterday, while out. Very few seemed that tall, and most were much closer to five feet.

  • jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272

    I have just seen in the market a product with a large collection of morphs plus a merchant resource; I'd say that the tools to make full use of G3F are available.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    So far lots of useful tools. We still lack a large assortment of skins(unless you only need white gals). But so far we have:

    1. The Original Daz Head and Body Morph Kits
    2. Pose Converters to use G2F poses on G3F
    3. Animation Conversion Tool
    4. 200+ Head Morph Kit
    5. Tool that enhances autofit to support V4, G1 and G2M clothes
    6. a few merchant resources for skins

    and probably some other stuff I missed. So far so good.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

     True; getting more useful. I was about to buy the morphs, but the left and right can't be adjust separately - at least from the promo. I actually removed them from the cart when I noticed. If they can be then I'll be buying for sure; I may actually anyway, as they have lots of potential even so.

    So far lots of useful tools. We still lack a large assortment of skins(unless you only need white gals). But so far we have:

    1. The Original Daz Head and Body Morph Kits
    2. Pose Converters to use G2F poses on G3F
    3. Animation Conversion Tool
    4. 200+ Head Morph Kit
    5. Tool that enhances autofit to support V4, G1 and G2M clothes
    6. a few merchant resources for skins

    and probably some other stuff I missed. So far so good.


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    i still haven't gotten the newest morphs, debating on it. I've might just splurge on them. the other stuff has been useful.

    Biggest issue is for me and most of the stuff I do, G2F is still fine and actually a better option. I do like to dabble with G3F but it's almost academic. So I need to curb spending...

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited August 2015

    Glad it's not just me on the spending; although I'm buying less, I do spend when I see something that will be useful. Buying almost no clothes, although I am watching for footwear as it sucks trying to get it to fit from G2 to G3, although flat heels are usually OK.

    I decided to get the morphs, but now can't download due to the issue Daz is having. I'll have a go at creating a couple of morphs for height adjustment, as my attempts previously have not been too bad - some better than others. Only very minor tweaks are needed on the face, just to break symetry really.

    I'm experimenting with G3, and using as I can, as some aspects do seem easier.

    i still haven't gotten the newest morphs, debating on it. I've might just splurge on them. the other stuff has been useful.

    Biggest issue is for me and most of the stuff I do, G2F is still fine and actually a better option. I do like to dabble with G3F but it's almost academic. So I need to curb spending...


    Post edited by nicstt on
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    no clothes yet for me. Just tools. And a couple pieces of hair, at least one of which came with a G2F version too :)

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Now this is really well done. I have a use for it too, so it's in my cart. I find the Dynamic clothes fulfill a lot of needs. I'd actually buy more clothes if the had dynamic elements or if they could be made dynamic like it is possible with iClone. I just don't want to use outside renderers, or spend 600 dollars to get that functionality back into daz. Oh and finally getting an i13 pose pack - I do a lot of my own, but adjusting ones already there is often quicker than starting from scratch - not sure which one yet though. I really liked Harmony and was going to add her but then realised she was G2F (

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    I didn't get any poses, because I got the pose conversion tool. I agree, using something as a starting pose is much faster than starting from scratch. Also if the pose ends up not working out, you have invested less and I am more willing to allow it to go the way of the Dodo and start anew.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Scrapping? Yeh that's true; knowing when to scrap something and start over is a valid part of any creative process; I do more writing that art, which is as much therapy and relaxation as anything else. Falling in love with something and refusing to accept its flaws, is a pitfall worth avoiding. Always good to be reminded of such a possibility. I'm a coder as well, and the same applies to that too sometimes.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511

    I learned how to let go of work when I was active with creative writing. That was more than a decade ago but I leverage that idea to this day. It was an important lesson to learn.

    BTW I didn't get the musclularity HD morphs, though they do look nice. Problem is I don't often do genuinely muscular women. I still haven't had much time to use the 200 head morphs, and cause I'm silly I even got the head morph kit that came out a day or so later. But I haven't had time to work with G3F. Something is wrong with me LOL.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    They look ok, but not worth buying imo; the G2F ones look a lot better. They certainly aren't worth the price, and I mean the discounted price.

    The head morphs are really great; definitely worth the cost, shame there was no independent left/right adjustment, but I made a couple of my own. It's annoying though as I just discovered an error in two of them. I forgot to dial out the morphs and subd - ahh well, it is good practice doing them.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The Flex morph sseems to make the muscles bigger instead of just flexed and it isn't set up as a Pose Control morph like in the past.  Have to use it at much lower value on only moderately toned characters.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    jestmart said:

    The Flex morph sseems to make the muscles bigger instead of just flexed and it isn't set up as a Pose Control morph like in the past.  Have to use it at much lower value on only moderately toned characters.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with this. I guess this one was done by a different person than the old ones.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    jestmart said:

    The Flex morph sseems to make the muscles bigger instead of just flexed and it isn't set up as a Pose Control morph like in the past.  Have to use it at much lower value on only moderately toned characters.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with this. I guess this one was done by a different person than the old ones.

    Agree, they do seem useful though.

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