Importing free stuff

I have been adding free stuff from Share CG and some other sources to my content for a while now. However some comes in runtimes which are relatively simple to manage, but other some as a set of files, which TBH i have no idea how to handle. I am only using DS so that might cut down the options somewhat i suppose. I have included a screen shot of one prop i got from SCG but i have no real idea what to do with the files. Anyone help please

660 x 366 - 30K
Hello again David
The AOI one is from a little Java program called Art of Illusion I think. but you can use the OBJ/MTL combination inside DS4P. Go to File > Import, and find the OBJ file. It is just the mesh, so it should load OK. DS should load the MTL files as well, but it probably needs to be in the same folder as the OBJ for that to happen.
See if that works?
Thank you both very much, this is a great help