Stupid I know, but how to pin my timeline back to the bottom side?

after installing DAZ 4.5 I' m not able to pin my timeline ( or other tabs) at the bottom side of DAZ. There does not come up the orange line to drop the tab. Is there any setting I have to do?
Thanks a lot
I just tried this myself, and I can't do it either. I have my usual Layout saved, so I was able to go back to it after clsing the tab, and trying to dock it again.
It may be a bug, but we can wait and see if anyone else can do it. Do you have a saved Layout that you can use? It is always a good idea to save the Layout when you have it the way you want it.
thanks for trying. No, I don't got an 'backup-layout'. Actually I 'don't know how to create this.
But, it could be, that I got an old scene, where it is ordered like the 'old way'. Could you please explain how to save layout?
Thank you
When you have everything the way you want to keep it, go to Window > Workspace > Save Layout As (or use F4 shotcut key).
I have mine saved as JC_Layout_1 etc, not very descriptive I know. I also have one called Rigging Layout which I used for the tutorial by Blondie I think on how to rig the Gingerbread man. It is a very useful function, and if you ever mess up your layout, you can always revert back to the saved one.
I just tried it in 4.5 with both the DS timeline and Animate 2 and had no problems docking either one at the bottom. The orange line only appeared when the mouse was over the bar at the bottom of the screen.
but all scenes I've got are opened in the 'new' layout. ;(
But, thanks to your hint I found a standard layout by DAZ( HollywoodBlvd) that got the animate and timeline at bottom. So, I can fit it to my needs and I got it.
Thanks a lot. You safed my day ;)