Diffeomorphic 1.6.2 and Gen 9 HD
Posts: 9
When I try to import a HD export into blender with version 1.6.2.
I only imports the base mesh and a HD mesh, no tetxures no addon such as hair etc.
If import a standard export the texture and hair import with it.
I'm confused and my of set up wrong.
Here's the error message and screen shot.
My Daz Library is on an external drive (E:/My DAZ 3D Library)
Any help would be great
Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity
If you have more than one daz library, relative paths don't work across disks, this is a windows limitation. That is, you can have multiple libraries but they have to be in the same disk, or you have to be sure that they don't cross reference.
What do you mean? A relative path, by definition, has no record of the drive on which it is located and content libraries may safely be moved between drives as far as I am aware and in my own experience.
One of the reasons why I hate windows so much is because they never leverage good ideas, and propagate forward bad ones. Instead of having a universal "space" for mounted filesystems (like POSIX), in Windows each device is a separate space, like VME had.
In Unix, if I've got two drives mounted at /mnt/disk1 and /mnt/disk2, I can refer to files on disk2 from the disk1 base as:
It doesn't matter that /mnt/disk1 and /mnt/disk2 are distinct devices.
In Windows, something like C:\..\D:\my_file_on_d doesn't work. You're constrained to referring only to files on C:
Whether Windows has something like POSIX softlinks, I don't know, but if so, the problem could be solved that way.
Directory junctions, for one https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/junction , and symbolic links https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/security-policy-settings/create-symbolic-links for another
Thank you Richard, do you mean the duf files in the daz library are using junctions and links to cross reference among disks ? Because it doesn't seem so to me.
No, I mean the user can employ those to have content spread across mutliple folders in a single apparent library - which is my understanding of what the post I replied to was asking about.
Well, better 20 years later than never, I suppose :)
@adamb2011 Let us know if the method suggested by Richard works for you, otherwise use the deafult daz library or at least a single disk.
Hi All,
Thanks for the comments.
In the end I updated the plugin to 1.7, saved out my route paths throught the plugin ( so now I only have my E: drive which is correct) and also selected keep base meshes in the import, just to be sure.
Has Diffeomorphic 1.7 been released already?
it's the dev version